

  Fellow guardians, dear children: Midsummer the sunlight struggles beautifully, the riotous baby carries delightedly. Impels the baby to teach the kindergarten which the enterprise develops to celebrate “ six? One “ the International Children‘s Day is an objective. I to the child who presents extend the kind holiday regards!

  Thanks the fellow guardians to be able in ten thousand busy, extracts the precious time to participate in this time activity, this is they the first own holiday which passed in the kindergarten!

  The happy song joke celebrates the festival, hundred condition thousand posture exhibition new face. Here has the lively form which the children grow healthy and strong, here has the children yearning magnificent dream, here has the artistic elegant demeanor which the children eyas spreads the wings, here has the children vigorous upward spiritual outlook. Through this activity, we hoped sincerely everybody may pick up tomorrow’s sun together. Bases in improves baby‘s overall quality, creates are more, the more spirited effective education form, impels them to study, the practice, the healthy development. Finally, wishes the children holiday to be joyful, health! Wishes the fellow guardians to work satisfactorily, good luck in everything!爱华阅读aIhUaU.com/zl/转载请保留


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六一儿童节演讲稿500字 六一儿童节演讲稿



  6.1儿童节演讲稿:  迎六一演讲稿  敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们:  早上好!今天我演讲的题目是《六一,我们的节日》。  光阴似箭,弹指之间,我们又迎来了一年一度的“六一”儿童节。如今的我们就是充满朝气、充满幻想、充满希望


  6.1儿童节演讲稿:  六一儿童节演讲稿  林花谢了春红,太匆匆!  时光的年轮不停地旋转着芬芳的岁月,光阴在无声无息地流逝,那样释然、从容。  转眼间,十三个春秋就这样乍然流失,犹如雁过般不留痕迹。——啊,最后一


  6.1儿童节演讲稿:  六一儿童节演讲稿  林花谢了春红,太匆匆!  时光的年轮不停地旋转着芬芳的岁月,光阴在无声无息地流逝,那样释然、从容。  转眼间,十三个春秋就这样乍然流失,犹如雁过般不留痕迹。——啊,最后一
