中学生英语作文 十一国庆中学生英语作文

  A great man said: "forget the past means betrayal!" Let us move along the time tunnel, to feel this extraordinary history.

  Since the founding of the people in every field, China has made great progress.

  In agriculture, the father of hybrid rice in China famous yuan longping, produced the planting, has many advantages such as high yield of rice, grain yield was obviously improved, now China not only, and still can self-sufficiency in grain output a lot from abroad. Also, that the Chinese are called "agricultural country", not fictitious.

  In the military, on November 5, 1960, the first missile soared into the sky, 16 October 1946, spectacular RuYun sing to the sky, in China's rising rob from the atomic bomb has its own, Founding 50 years, we also daqing to show the world our armed forces modernization of weapons and equipment. These are proved our military technology weaponry and equipment has greatly developed.

  In science and technology, shenzhou 6 manned spacecraft successfully developed is a good exampleaIhUaU.com.

中学生英语作文 十一国庆中学生英语作文

  Students, we are happy new generation, also have important responsibility of the new generation. Our today determines the revival of the Chinese nation tomorrow. Let us of carrying forward the national spirit, the XiongHun. "Far, BuPaLei, inquisitive a" spirit, knowledge, skills, and strong physique, practice spirit of patriotism, trees, country and ready: for our great motherland's peace and development.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/5738371/965301764.html


院线专题 十一国庆电影七宗“最” 国庆院线电影

2014-09-19 文/沈婷 中影星美院线2014年内地十一国庆档还未开启,已经可以预见一场电影盛宴的到来。从9月26日开始,一共有13部电影上映,国庆档好电影可不少,电影激战也即将拉开序幕,除了国庆出游,在电影院里看电影“度假”也是不错的选择



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