复活节英文一句祝福语 复活节祝福语英文


  jesus conquered death, so that through him,we can conquer life.happy easter!

  only a fish knows the splendor of the sea.only a christian knows the glory of god.

  like the rain can't be stopped from falling, god's love and blessing keep on pouring.i hope you woke up renewed and refreshed and comforted by his company.

  god created mornings so that we can say how great d previous day has bin & how wonderful d next 24hrs would be!

  sunrise makes our mornings beautiful but the words of god strengthen us and make our lives more meaningful.

  the grass withers and the flowers fall,but the word of our god stands forever.

复活节英文一句祝福语 复活节祝福语英文

  the lord came to earth with a life to give,so each one of us may continue to live.

  it's not the presence of someone that brings meaning to life.

  may the love of god always shine in your life, as you become a light for others.

  have a pleasant day.god bless.

  the spirit of easter is all about hope, love and new beginning.

  I really pity God for giving me the peace and joy bears.Aolian me when I mostly ill treatment?What is suffering? Needless to say anything in the main before!

  I would like to honor the soul of the body was the main use of the rise of life! Thanksgiving cheering for you!It is the great revival of the main capabilities,the things he has given us is not useless.

  God help us all from our point of the matter gained power!Easter is not used before,when we repent letter owner,Christ lives in our possession has been revived,therefore,said"I no longer alive.I was inside the main alive,“the mystery of how classic!”

  God bless our dear sister pay,dictates you would like to have every Christian life full of theHoly Spirit,the grace of Christ Mongolia everything! Amen!

  Today,we are winning the day,we go to Forest Park Evangelical,he was the main attendants to attract many people.

  I beg you to put your heart in your arm as if stamped with the seal of your faithful love is better than no water to put out the dead people Easter is coming-not drowned in the thousands of colorful egg and the rabbit jump festival, I wish you a happy!

  Gordian,asked owners are the main answer!Miscommunications time forthe main,the main road! Sad when close to the main, which was comforting! Looking tired when owners are the main power!

  Lack of taste when owners are the main suppliers.Da - En thank my owner,a significant source of love mercy!

  Love really strange way,to kneel down crime waves washing enough that the Almighty God to suffershame!

  Table love the crucifixion,Vox moved outLove! Since want to recognize the need to savehim,the main goal of Hopedesire!Meet with the owners of grace,salvationwas first fully safe!

  the resurrection of jesus offers us a message of hope,love,and grace.


  as the dawn breaks into a beautiful sunrise,may god shower you his blessings of love and lead you always to the right path.happy easter!


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情人节短信祝福语 情人节英文短信祝福语

 情人节英文短信祝福语:  情人节快乐:Happy Valentine's Day!!  祝你们朝朝暮暮,缠缠绵绵到永久。  May you two linger on each other every day and night till the end of time.  愿你们一起分享生命中的每一天,直

新的一年开始精美语句 新的一年祝福语

  2013年1月4日是新的一年里的第一个工作日,新的一年新的开始,给身边的亲友送上新的一年祝福语,祝愿他们在新的一年里,每一年,每一天,都有充满幸福和喜悦。分享一些新的一年祝福语,祝大家蛇年快乐。   新的一年祝福语  1、新年好!

国庆节祝福语 2015十一国庆节祝福语精选

   2015十一国庆节祝福语精选  1、在幸福的时候记得发个信息给你的朋友,在的开心时候记得打个电话给你的家人,在美好的节日里让美丽的心情一起分享。  2、国庆节到了,不论漫长的假期你将如何度过,我都将送给你一份最美丽的

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