美国签证在职证明范文 印度签证英文在职证明范文



美国签证在职证明范文 印度签证英文在职证明范文


  Employer Guarantee

  day month year

  To: Consulate General of India

  Dear visa Officer:

  This is to certify that XXX is the XXX of our company. She is going to travel to your country India from day month year to day month year.We guarantee that she will obey the local laws during the tour and come back to China as soon as she finishes the trip. Her position in our company will kept for her until her return. She works for our company from XXX(入职时间). Her annual income is RMB XXX. All the traveling expenses will be covered by herself. We guarantee that she will obey the laws of India, and come back as soon as the trip is over. The position will be kept for her return.

  Please kindly issue her the visa after your checking up.

  Sincerely yours


  Name:XXX (公司负责人或派遣人的拼音全名----同行人除外的签名)


  Company:XXX CO., LTD



  Dear Sir or Madam:

  has been working in our company since , will have a travel to your country from . Hereby we guarantee that abide all of laws and regulations of the countries where stay. will be back on time as per schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company visit to your countries.

  Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.

  Best Regards,

  Name of the leader:HANGXIUWEI

  Position of the leader:director

  Signature :黄修伟

  Company’s Stamp:

  Tel: 0395-8812566写作模板



  Add: the351yinghe,east,road,chengguan,town,linying,country.

  Company Name: linying,no3seniorhighschool


  The registration number as which the company is registered in the business bureau:




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/5362371/966418732.html


韩国旅游在职证明模板 韩国旅游在职证明范文

 韩国旅游在职证明  韩国旅游在职证明范文1  此为样板,请按此格用带有贵公司中英文抬头、地址、电话的信纸打印  兹证明我单位(请用中文填写本人),于(请用填写本人出生日期)出生,身份证号码:(请填写本人身份证号码))自(请

签证在职证明会核实么 旅游签证在职证明

 旅游签证在职证明  旅游签证在职证明1  在职证明  兹证明 由 年 月至今在我公司工作,任职 。其出生日期为 年 月 日,护照号码为 。现我公司批准其于 年 月赴日本进行商务考察,保证上述人员在日本逗留期间遵守所在国法

美国签证在职证明范文 日本商务签在职证明范文

 日本商务签在职证明  日本商务签在职证明范文1  兹证明我公司xx-x先生/女士,生于___年___月___日,现年___岁。xx-x自___年___月至今在我公司工作,现任___部门_____职务。  我公司同意xx-x持因私护照前往日本进行商务考

美国签证在职证明范本 美国签证在职证明

 美国签证在职证明  美国签证在职证明1  用公司抬头纸打印  Certificate  在职证明  Date: 3.Mar.2011  The Embassy of the United States,  Name  姓名  D.O.B  出生日期  Passport  护

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