发布时间:2022年04月15日 10:31:21分享人:死亡莲华来源:互联网26

1.It’s important to set aside time for relaxation,hobbies,and entertainment as well.
2.Improved consumer confidence is extremely important to an economic recovery
3.What is important in both stories that honesty was seen as an important part of the American character.
4.The ability to observe keenly and in detail is necessary for anyone who wishes to become a scientist.
5.To find a solution to a conflict, it is often necessary to make some kind of compromise
6.A harmonious atmosphere is essential(necessary /critical/indispensable)to successful reform
7.It is essential that the increase in production should be geared to the increase in public demand.
8.We should make a careful study of the problem and try to find out a solution to it.
爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/4548671/543709899.html

1.引言 自2007年6月起,英语新四级考试在全国范围内展开。第一部分是写作,测试学生用英语进行书面表达的能力,所占分值比例为15%,求考生根据规定的题目和提供的提纲、情景、或图表等在30分钟内写完至少120个单词的文章。出

1.You should take advantage of this opportunity and try to make a good impression on them2.Greater efforts are needed before we can attain our goal of economic reform3.A country should protect its resources by fi

100句英语写作常用谚语,考试作文必备!不要简单的只是收藏,用点心打印出来,背下来!1. Time flies.时光易逝。2. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。3. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。4. Time tries all.

  材料的收集与积累,是写好公文的基础。准确充分的材料是公文中提出解决问题措施 的依据,是形成观点的基础。缺少充足的材料,公文的观点将失去支柱;缺少可靠的材料, 公文的约束力将大为降低。古人说:“兵马未到,粮草先行”,材料

  一、模态词语的含义 “模态”系逻辑学术语,它是指事物所具有的规模和状态。在公文写作中,特别是在指 令性和法规性公文写作中,为了突出其规范性和约束力,往往需要运用模态词语,如“必 须”、“严禁”、“应当”、“不得