youth olympic games 青运会英语作文范文:The youth games

  青运会英语作文范文:The youth games

  Youth sports meeting to be held in fuzhou ~ at that time, give priority to with fuzhou, quanzhou, xiamen, zhangzhou, auxiliary city division, will complete the 26 sports game, 30 disciplines, 306 events, including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, more than 80 cities, 82 delegation. Intercity held every four years, aims to promote the development of undertakings of physical culture and sports city, found that cultivate excellent sports reserve talented person. Shandong began to hold first intercity from 1988, China has successfully held the seven-time intercity.

  In December 2013, the international youth Olympic Games, in order to approved by the state, the eighth national city games changed its name to the first session of the national youth games. Qing yun will be since the founding of new China, for the first time in fujian province to undertake the largest scale and highest specifications of national large-scale comprehensive games.

  Fujian province successful bid to host the first session of the green Olympics

  On the evening of October 25, 2011, the 7th city games in jiangxi nanchang closing, burning for 10 days in seven parts will flame slowly extinguished. In the closing ceremony of the flag handover ceremony of intercity, state general administration of sports bureau chief Liu Pengjiang flag is submitted to the vice governor of fujian provincial committee, then Chen Hua hands. At this moment, marks the eighth session of national city games in fujian.

youth olympic games 青运会英语作文范文:The youth games

  The intercity "turns into a" green Olympics








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  福州青运会作文:第一届全国青年运动会  2015年全国青年运动会,第一届全国青年运动会开幕式将于2015年10月18日在福州市海峡奥体中心主体育场举行,10月27日闭幕。  第一届全国青运会的主题口号为“福之州,青之运”,会徽以“福”


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