八年级暑假作业本答案 2015八年级轻松快乐过暑假英语答案



  changes;seen;dropped; marry; southern;

  had fun; won't until; have been married;

  has kept; different from

  A A C B D A D B


  present;since;eaten;pollution;open;D;C;B;A;C;B;B;A;A;B;has taught;married;swim;came;have been;have lived;was.


  possible;service;although;attraction;realized;How long has;How many;When did buy;hasn't been yet;been;hasn't gone;since three days ago;去掉but;yet;next to;has been open;any longer;how to get;It's to read;has passed died;has studied for;have known;borrowed to


  CBACBB;have been changes;How long been;How long heard;has had the book;Has changed;yet;

  I have lived here since I was born.

  It's pleasant to play Chinese chess with my classmates.

  Mr Black has worked in Nanjing since he came to China

  Where is Marry? She has gone to the cinema; It's not easy for us to see friends as often as before

  I used to play computer games,now I don't do it.


  a theme park;fast food;wave to us; scream with joy;during the summer holiday;move at high speed;feel excited;

  the whole day; later in the afternoon;wait for an hour;can't stop taking photos with them;have gone to Shanghai; have been to Shanghai; the next day;


  impolite;impossible;unkind;unpleasant;cheerless;harmful;different;present;cross;lovely;present;pleasant;of course;go back;



  have seen saw;Have found did find ;sing dancing;made stopped to read; Were dancing;not to take; were coming;

  was doing;

  The souvenirs are so expensive that I can't buy it.

  He is rich enough to travel around the world

  What were you doing when he arrived?

  Daniel was swimming in the lake at noon yesterday;



  about different interesting instead messages calling help with information like;CBCADBACBD


  How long have; had the book

八年级暑假作业本答案 2015八年级轻松快乐过暑假英语答案

  has been on for ten minutes

  have been in HongKong for a week

  have been to Hongkong twice

  has gone to Hongkong

  been away for two days

  has many hobbies ,such as swimming and playing paino;

  never forget the meaningful experience

  did you come back from HongKong

  arrived here the day before yesterday, I have been back for two days.


  information;programs;enjoy;screen;soon;repair;was designed by;e-dog for; too busy to watch;has lived for; important;used ;to go;sold;more;libraries;made;will replace;pleasure;to buy




  at the same time; come out;send e-mails;get a point;order a set on the Internet;coulds with different colours;play a role;have a dream;appear on the screen;be sold out;search for information;a remote control; wod processing;a ten-year-old boy; play a role of; fall asleep; be used widely; double-click on the icon for;

  What do you usually use the computer do

  The computer is designed especially for students

  Can I help you? I'd like to buy a personal computer

  She will help you when necessary


  was left;is double-clicked;be produced;is put;to keep; BBBCA


  levels;character;uses;village;jump;goal;ask;knowledge;needs;designed;written;starting;has worked;is caught;are marked;typing;was broken;was lost;is made;is used;be clicked

  下题 略


  searched for;wasn't found;so that can't take; were made to move; has taught for ;

  The words he said sounded exciting;

  This kind of newspaper comes out once a day.

  I played a role of an English teacher in my dream.

  The new educational CD-ROMs have been sold out.

  The CD-ROM can be used to test your English vocabulary.



  most exciting;months;donating;organization;duties;introducing;decision;was held;to organize;to come;called;Why don't you join; chose him to be the host of the charity show; to work for the Project Hope; There is no time to wait ;

  at the right time; must practise more; seems to happen so quickly; advertise on the Internet; make lots of noise; Spring Bud project


  because of the heavy rain;Tom has kept my book for 10 days.;What was;How did Ricky feel in the charity show; It is fun to

  because ;because of ;because ;because of ;because ;because of ;because ;because of ;



  B 去掉a; C to; C success; C because of; C support



  voluntary; international;restaurant; advertisement; education; affects; cure; donations; collection

  entrance;audience; seats;curtain;light; stage; microphone; performer; clapped; exit

  cases of blindness; train the local doctors and nurses;used to;a flying eye hospital; carry on with our work; be grateful to sb;

  perform operations; affect sixty per cent of students; have some pocket money left; be proud to dosth; treat and cure eye

  problems; have the money for the medicine; get education; raise money for charities; donate money to


  international charities; help poor people; take action to do sth.; cate about others; be in hosipital; voluntary doctors; pocket money; organize events to raise money; set up UNICEF; spend money on

  advertisement; operation; development; education; proud; sickness; flying; teaching; organization; tratment;




  charity; eye; cured; prevented; operated; operations; see; local; skills; knowledge; support

  It was started on 11 September,1961

  It works to save the earth and its environment

  Volunteers and donations.

  To stop air pollution,protect the earth forests and save all plants and animals.

  In China,it works to save the panda from dying out. In South America, it works to save the Amazon Rainforest



  连线舍去performing an operation; pocket money; operated on; medical treatment; used to; were grateful to; Is used to; a flying eye hospital; had a big lunch; cases of blindness;

  too weak to; used to get; isn't used to; Did use to watch; used to be; is used; isn't cheap enough



  agreement; gladness; collection; illness; prevention; advertisement; development; decision; kindness; gentleness; sadness; sickness; education; organization; improvement; usefulness; movement; happiness;

  has cured illness; poor areas for medical treatment; is performing operation on ; proud have helped; carry on with;

  grateful to for donations; used to drink; Used to; have lived am used to; used to live; are used to living;

  operating; attacks; patient; improving; blind;care; indeed; education; perfect; medical;

  B be; C going; C blindness B not; A are; B drink



  careless; the longest; itself; elderly; tree planting; unable; further; busier;



  join; tough; trail; aim; experience; happen; develop fund-raising

  spirit; improve; excellent; violin; February; experience; especially; recorded;

  singing; writing; is held ; join; to raise; has been built; to slove; was singing; called; playing;

  去掉it; 去掉been; cross; been over; because of; helping; drinks; drinking; bringing; but去掉


  don't; will; It difficult to; more any other; How can help; will be recorded; with; For on;without; on ; in; to; By; to

  It's wrong to look down on poor people.

  It is a good season for us to enjoy the beautiful view.

  It's necessary to be careful when you cross the road.

  Don't miss the chance you should help each other;

  It's important for children to have support from parents

  fund-raising;raise;November ;group;join;tough;eight;twenty;together;recorded;spirit;support;best;experienceaIhUaU.com/zl


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/4321771/271414497.html


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