1 。评述了当今国际上的一些成熟的时序采掘的产品和时序采掘的研究现状并提出了自己的看法。
2 针对以上的工作盲点提出拟周期等六个概念、抗干扰势态等五个算法和两个定理,建立了拟周期及其关联规则的采掘模型。在此模型上进行拟周期及其关联规则采掘系统RPMiner的结构和模块设计。

3 使用Visual C ++ 中的ODBC技术实现了RPMiner的各个功能模块。自行设计的源程序共有850K。
4 对安宁河断裂带地震数据库数据进行试采掘,分析其采掘结果得出了两个出人意外的结果,一个是∶安宁河断裂带以5周为小活动周期,而5个月为较大的活动周期;另一个是∶在安宁河断裂带的北南方向,地形形变
本文组织如下: 第一章介绍了数据采掘的基本概念和有关技术。第二章介绍了在数据采掘中当今时序采掘的产品方面和研究方面的情况,并总结了其特点与盲点。
关键词:数据采掘 时序采掘 拟周期 关联规则
Research and Implementation of Mining Relaxed Periods and their Association Rule
Specialty of Computer Science
graduate: XXX Supervisor: YYY
Data Mining is the main step in KDD process, it draws upon many techniques from diverse fields, such as database technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, fussy logic, pattern recognition, and artificial neural network, etc. Mining on Time Series is a hot area of Data Mining due to its widely used applications and its high commercial value.
The main contribution of this paper includes:
1 Survey the current mature products and research harvests internationally
2 Propose six concepts of “Relaxed-Period” etc, five algorithms of “anti-noise tendency” etc. and two theorems to fill the blind spot of the above researches, forming the model of Mining Relaxed Periods and their Association Rule
3 Based on the previous model, design the system structure and all the sub-models of RPMiner; A prototype called RPMiner is implemented based on ODBC and Visual C ++. All the codes written by myself are almost 850K.
4 Mining the seismic data of the fault belt along the River ANNING and analyzing the results, two surprising results are uncovered, one is that 5 weeks is the shorter periodicity while 5 months is the longer periodicity, the other one is that the reform in the North-South direction gives a remarkable contribution the earthquake magnitude..
The theses is organized as follows: Section 1 introduces some basic concepts and technology about data mining. Section 2 gives the survey on currently international products and research harvests, summarizing their characters and blind spots.
Section3 is all about the design of the system RPMiner, including the actualization goals and the basic concepts. Section 4 tells the whole procedure of actualizing the
RPMiner, including the synopsis of the Visual C++ ODBC technology and the overlook of RPMiner. Section5 gives the background of the mining data of the fracture belt along the River ANNING as well as the analysis of the mining results. At last, in Section 6, some of my personal opinions of the developing trend of data mining are proposed.
Keywords: Data Mining, Time Series, Relaxed Period, Association Rule
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