张峡浩 曲婉婷 张峡浩,曲婉婷《One Day》歌词

  One Day - 张峡浩 曲婉婷



  One day if someone wakes me up

  Please don't tell me the truth

  That we had the same story before

  Someday if I'm still in this world

  Please crush me in your arms

  Cause I fear I'm going to die

  I thought I am strong

  It's hard to say what would be wrong

  Too far from what we've believed

  I thought I am strong

  When you held me for so long

  And now my voice is gone

  One day you came into my dream

  Sat next to me and said you wanted to be free

  I said one day you will be free

  Just know that you are strong

  Don't be gone for too long if you do

  Just follow my voice in this song

  You'll come around

  One day if someone wakes me up

  Please don't tell me the truth

张峡浩 曲婉婷 张峡浩,曲婉婷《One Day》歌词

  That we had the same story before

  One day you broke my heart

  You took my dream and stole my soul

  You left me alone with nothing to say

  I thought I am strong

  It's hard to say what would be wrong

  Too far from what we've believed

  I thought I am strong

  When you held me for so long

  And now my voice is gone

  One day you came into my dream

  Sat next to me and said you wanted to be free

  I said one day you will be free

  Just know that you are strong

  Don't be gone for too long if you do

  Just follow my voice in this song

  You'll come around

  One day you came into my dream

  Sat next to me and said you wanted to be free

  I said one day you will be free

  Just know that you are strong

  Don't be gone for too long if you do

  Just follow my voice in this song

  You'll come around

  You'll come around




  1983年10月10日出生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市,中国内地创作歌手。 2009年,曲婉婷成为加拿大Nettwerk音乐公司首位华人合约音乐人。她的英文歌曲《Drenched》成为了电影《春娇与志明》的主题曲。之后,她凭借一首原创歌曲《我的歌声里》成名。2012年,她加盟环球音乐,并于4月24日在北美首发个人首张原创专辑《Everything In The World》。2013年,她受央视春晚邀请担任表演嘉宾,与杜淳合唱《我的歌声里》;2月15日,她担任了温哥华旅游大使。同年10月18日,她的第二张唱作专辑《Say The Words》由环球唱片发行。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/3709771/444648495.html


张浩用猪粪种蔬菜,一亩地收入四十万 一夜四十万


曲婉婷的成名之路 赵丽颖的成名之路


张小娴《离别曲》 死亡通知单之三离别曲

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张养浩《山坡羊·潼关怀古》鉴赏赏析 山坡羊潼关怀古ppt


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张浩源老师健康知识小药方春生、 夏长、 秋收、 冬藏春季养肝、眼;夏季养心;三伏养脾;秋季养肺;冬季养肾春夏养阳、秋冬养阴、血不养心、心不安神一年当中的24个节气:立春、雨水、惊蛰、春分、清明、谷雨、立夏、小满、芒重、夏至、小暑

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