祝酒词 中英文香槟祝酒词



  “I’ll drink to your happiness and to your health, I’ll drink until I ruin myself。”



  “Let us always be friends, or at least until this bottle ends。”



  “Here’s to being happy and free, and to a glass that’s never empty。”

  “May you seek happiness and prevail, and if not, never admit to fail。”


祝酒词 中英文香槟祝酒词


  “The wine in my glass is evidence too that none of this could happen without you。”

  “Being alongside you has its perks: you’re a hardass and a jerk, and a model of how I’d like to work。”



  “Love may come and love may go and wine will always be there to soothe the blow。”

  “Together we’ll make a space in the world to belong where the music is loud and the wine is strong。”


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/3694271/337019736.html


婚礼祝酒词 父母在婚礼上的祝酒词

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