答:good luck

1. He kissed her on the cheek. "Best of luck!" 他吻了吻她的脸颊。“祝你好运!”
2. "Goodbye, then, and thanks. Good luck."— 'The same to you.' “那么,再见,谢谢。祝你好运。”——“也祝你好运。”
3. Good luck, we'll be rooting for you. 祝你好运,我们会支持你的。
4. "Good luck, sarge," he said. “祝你好运,中士,”他说。
5. Good luck! We'll keep our fingers crossed for you. 祝你好运! 我们将为你祈祷.
6. " Well, good luck,'said Minnie, when she was ready to go. “ 好, 祝你好运, "她准备动身的时候, 敏妮对她说.
7. Maybe you could come over next time. Good luck. 那也许下回你们可以来. 祝你好运!
8. Good - bye , Richard, and good luck. See you in two weeks. 再见, Richard, 祝你好运. 两周后见.
9. So long. Good luck to you. 再见, 祝你好运.