华晨宇 feeling good 华晨宇《Feeling Good》歌词

  Feeling Good (Live) - 华晨宇

华晨宇 feeling good 华晨宇《Feeling Good》歌词

  词:Anthony Newley Leslie Bricuss

  曲:Anthony Newley Leslie Bricuss

  编曲:Oleg Smirnov

  Birds flying high

  You know how I feel

  Sun in the sky

  You know how I feel

  Reeds drifting on by

  You know how I feel

  It's a new dawn

  It's a new day

  It's a new life

  For me

  And I'm feeling good

  Fish in the sea

  You know how I feel

  River running free

  You know how I feel

  Blossom in the tree

  You know how I feel

  It's a new dawn

  It's a new day

  It's a new life

  For me

  And I'm feeling good

  Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean

  Don't you know

  Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean

  Sleep in peace when the day is done

  And this old world is a new world

  And a bold world

  For me

  Stars when you shine

  You know how I feel

  Scent of the pine

  You know how I feel

  Yeah freedom is mine

  I don't know how I feel

  It's a new dawn

  It's a new day

  It's a new life

  For me

  For me

  For me

  And I'm feeling feeling feeling

  And feeling




  1990年2月7日生于湖北十堰 ,中国男歌手,毕业于武汉音乐学院。

  2013年参加湖南卫视《快乐男声》获年度总冠军出道。同年12月6日,获第六届音乐风云榜新人盛典最受欢迎男歌手奖。2014年1月30日,华晨宇登上马年央视春晚并献唱《在那遥远的地方》。3月31日,获第21届东方风云榜最佳新锐歌手奖。4月参加大型户外真人秀节目《花儿与少年》。9月6日及7日,华晨宇2014年“火星”演唱会在北京万事达中心连开两场,并采用“场馆演唱,线上直播”的全新模式[5] 。9月19日,首张个人专辑《卡西莫多的礼物》全球同步发行。10月,以华语音乐人代表之姿登上《L’Uomo Vogue》""THE MUSIC ISSUE“专题。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/3330571/942848195.html


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