冰河时代dj 冰河时代(DJ)歌词


  Once Again I m longing

  for your hungry touch

  Picture when you on me

  I am missing you so much

  You turn on light imagination

  goal your follow way

  And in my fantasy you came my body

  I need you back to stay

  I get my Inside out

  and my headache won t stop

  I fail to not look back

  as I m bouncing down the wrong track

  Half way up your smile going down

  but I m getting stronger and stronger

  Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)

  But I m getting stronger and stronger

  Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)

  But I m getting stronger and stronger

  Midnight turns to morning

  I don t get lot sleep

  I know that you are out there somewhere

  being someone else s treat

  Have think us knows just how to please me

  Chance run down my spying

  And when you wake up spill your kisses

  I am shivering inside it

  I get my Inside out

  and my headache won t stop

  I fail to not look back

  as I m bouncing down the wrong track

  Half way up your smile going down

  but I m getting stronger and stronger

  Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)

  But I m getting stronger and stronger

冰河时代dj 冰河时代(DJ)歌词

  Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)

  But I m getting stronger and stronger

  Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)~~~~

  But I m getting stronger and stronger

  I get my Inside out

  and my headache won t stop

  I fail to not look back

  as I m bouncing down the wrong track

  Half way up your smile going down

  but I m getting stronger and stronger

  Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)

  But I m getting stronger and stronge

  Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)

  But I m getting stronger and stronge

  I get my Inside out

  and my headache won t stop

  I fail to not look back

  as I m bouncing down the wrong track

  Half way up your smile going down

  but I m getting stronger and stronger

  Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)~~~


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/3218971/354333223.html


中岛美雪成名曲--时代歌词翻译 。 中岛美雪 时代 歌词

旋律与歌词俱佳。歌词翻译如下:  现在是如此的伤痛欲绝,  眼泪也早已流乾了,  大概再没有机会有展现笑容的时候了。  但是有一天一定能够坦开心对人讲:  我曾经经历过那样子的时代。  相信一定能够笑著脸对人说:  曾经有过

小小时代歌词 小时代1片尾曲

调整好穿戴,准备好摇摆孤独此刻的节拍,喝彩就要来呼吸着大海,日月星辰都在燃烧血液的色彩,全宇宙宠爱应该不应该,世界漫漫尘埃歌者当歌不管好时代坏时代但我的亲爱 别害怕,有人瞩目就别管大时代小时代你说你想要 哦哦哦哦

告别的时代歌词 体系化营销,告别单点突破的时代(2)

  体系化营销时代的来临:   营销界熟知的企业木桶原理说:一只木桶盛水的多少取决于其最短的一块板,而正如水桶盛水的原理一样,企业经营水平的高低取决于企业最弱势的环节。这个观点从另一个角度来说就是:企业如果想做大和做强,就不

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