四级语法知识点 英语四级考试冲刺必备语法知识


1) both, some, few, many等用作主语或修饰主语时,谓语动词用复数。


Both of my parents are over seventy years old.

Many students in my class have creative thoughts and wide knowledge.

2)“the +形容词”作主语,在表示一类人或事物时,谓语动词用复数。

The aged are well taken care of by the government.

The poor are often looked down upon by the rich.

The young have respect for the old in China.

3) a number of, a lot of, any of, most of, the rest of, some of, none of, all of修饰复数名词时,谓语动词用复数。


Most of the teachers are responsible and knowledgeable.

A number of books have been published on the subject.

None of the books attract me a lot. the number of表示“……的数量”,谓语动词用单数。


The number of books published on this subject is simply amazing.

The number of foreign visitors to China has been increasing over the last several years.



The family is the basic unit of society. The family have agreed among themselves to spend their vocation in Europe.

CET4语法:used to的用法

“used to加不定式”表示过去常常干某事,现在不在干了。例如:

I used to go to work by bus. Now I take a taxi.

She used to be very shy.

“be used to doing”表示习惯于干某事。


I am used to getting up early and going to bed early.

He is used to being praised by others.


在“one of +名词(复数)+关系从句”中的单复数在“one of+名词(复数)+关系从句”中,关系从句中的谓语动词常采用复数形式。

「例如」She is one of the students who have passed Band Six.

This is one of the best books that have been published recently.

one之前有the only等修饰语时从句动词要用单数。

「例如」She is the only one of the girls who is chosen as the member of student union.

He was the only one of the boys who was given a prize.


Only by shouting at the top of his voice was he able to make himself heard. Only in this way can we achieve what we want.Only in each afternoon does the university library open. Only under special circumstances ____to take make

四级语法知识点 英语四级考试冲刺必备语法知识

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四级语法知识点 英语四级考试冲刺必备语法知识

 谓语动词用复数的情况1) both, some, few, many等用作主语或修饰主语时,谓语动词用复数。「例如」Both of my parents are over seventy years old.Many students in my class have creative thoughts and wide knowledge.2)“the

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