介词的使用 介词是使用方法

介词的使用 介词是使用方法


1)为了(表示目的)He planned to write some stories for children.

2)想找到或得到 ask for turn to sb for help hope/wish for

3)表示原因Thank you for your gift. Excuse me for…

4)对。。be good for

5)给。。。的 供。。。用的 Here is a letter for you .

It is a general hospital for that district.

6)表一段时间或距离 for a short time for some distance

7)去到或开往某地 leave for The ship is for Paris.

8)赞成 Are you for or against the plan ?

9)作为What shall we have for lunch ?

We will use it for a reading-room.

10)表示价格 工资等He sold the camera for $10.

My old bike went for 50 yuan .

11)引起短语做不定式的逻辑主语 It is important for you to master these rules.

12)成语 for the time being for ever/good for example

Stand for long for wait for go in for for the sake of

Care/look/prepare for watch out for for sale

19 from

1)从learn from from morning till night a letter from Mary

2)离开How far is it from here?

3)由于Lots of people suffered form hunger in those days .

Be tired from

4)成语from the beginning form now on from beginning to end

From bad to worse from time to time far from


1)在某范围或空间内in the south in history in the rain/sun /queue

2)在一段时间内in a day /1969/this century

3)表示状态 特征in power/danger in high spirits in one’s twenties

In a bad temper

4)引起短语 表示方式目的等in surprise in support /honour /praise/ of

5)在。。。上 在。。。方面be weak in do well in have some difficulty in doing sth

6)用。。。(方式)in English

7inadvance/all/fact/public/secret/turn/vain/case/time/reality In spite of in the long run in other words in place of In the end in return for in future take part in


1)的(所属)works of Lu Xun a friend of mine

2)表示特征 of the same color of great help

3)想到 谈到think of talk of remind sb of

4)从He was born of Greek parents .

Expect sth of sb. Ask sth of sb.

5)词组of course instead of rob sb of cure sb of of one’s own will be short of become of

22. off

1)从(一平面)下来get off the train fall off the bike take sth off

2)离。。。(不远的地方)The island is about 1,000 miles off the southern coast .

They lived in a little house off Brook Road.


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