
   There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the people responsible for the American Thanksgiving tradition. Contrary to popular opinion, the Pilgrims didn't wear buckles on their shoes or hats. They weren't teetotalers, either. They smoked tobacco and drank beer. And, most importantly, their first harvest festival and subsequent "thanksgivings" weren't held to thank the local natives for saving their lives.



  Do you know there are public schools in America today actually teaching that? Some textbooks, in their discomfort with open discussions of Christianity, say as much. I dare suggest most parents today know little more about this history than their children.


  Yet, there is no way to divorce the spiritual from the celebration of Thanksgiving – at least not the way the Pilgrims envisioned it, a tradition dating back to the ancient Hebrews and their feasts of Succoth and Passover.


  The Pilgrims came to America for one reason – to form a separate community in which they could worship God as they saw fit. They had fled England because King James I was persecuting those who did not recognize the Church of England's absolute civil and spiritual authority.

  清教徒之所以来美国,是为了建立一个与世隔绝的社会,教徒们可以在这个社会朝圣他们认为可以称之为上帝的神。由于詹姆斯一世(King James I)迫害那些不认同把英国国教作为国家公民和精神至高无上权威的人,因此清教徒们从英国逃离了出来。

  On the two-month journey of 1620, William Bradford and the other elders wrote an extraordinary charter – the Mayflower Compact. Why was it extraordinary? Because it established just and equal laws for all members of their new community – believers and non-believers alike. Where did they get such revolutionary ide


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感恩节英语手抄报图片 小学生感恩节英语手抄报图片

 小学生感恩节英语手抄报图片:  感恩节作文  没有阳光,就没有温暖,没有雨露,就没有滋润,没有亲情,就没有关爱,没有友情,就没有温暖,没有感恩,生命就会干涸,因为感恩生活才是一汪清泉。  我最想感恩的人是生我、养我、呵护我、哺

感恩父亲节手抄报资料 关于父亲节的手抄报资料

 关于父亲节的手抄报资料:  父爱如山,父亲节的爱是无可限量的。  今天给老爸画了一幅画,画着画着,画到了老爸深情的眼睛。这双眼睛里充满了希望。  有一次,要语文考试了。在考试前夜,老爸就用饱含希望的眼神望着我。我心里
