英语对话短文两人 关于两人英语对话短文




Gary:Kate, you’ll never believe what’s happened!

Kate:What do you mean?

Gary:Marcia and Harold are getting divorced。

Kate:You’re kidding! What happened?

Gary:Well, I don’t really know, but I heard that they are having a separation for two months and have filed for divorce。

Kate:That’s really surprising. I always thought they were well-matched. What about the kids? Who will get custody?

Gary:Marcia. It seems quite amicable—no squabbling over who’ll get the house and stuff—an uncontested divorce with all the details worked out。

Kate:That’s a change from all the back-stabbing we usually hear about…While I still can’t believe it—Marcia and Harold! The perfect couple! When will the divorce be final?

英语对话短文两人 关于两人英语对话短文

Gary:Early in the new year, I guess。


An Unhappy Marriage

Husband:The Blacks got divorced。

Wife:Really? Why?

Husband:Mr. Black has been getting a little on the side。

Wife:I’m surprised. He doesn’t look like a guy who’d ever cheat on his wife, does he?

Husband:No, he doesn’t. But his wife found out that he's been two-timing for a long time. Incredibly, he’s had many different girlfriends starting almost right after they got married 20 years ago。

Wife:Well, I'm really surprised. You’re not doing anything behind my back, are you?

Husband:No. The only thing I’ve ever done behind your back is zip you up. Besides, I told all my other girlfriends that my wife was getting suspicious and that we had to cool it for a while until the smoke blew over。

Wife:Ha! Ha! You’re not very funny. I guess that means you expect me to tell my lover we have to stop seeing each other too。

Husband:You’re not funny either. I can’t believe I married a woman like you。


A Happy Couple

Jane:Eddie, you’re going to be a father!

Eddie:That’s wonderful news! Any idea when the little package will arrive?

Jane:The obstetrician says I’m due in 8 months or so from now。

Eddie:I’m going to have to quit smoking. Smoking is so harmful to the baby in the womb. And as an expectant mother, we need to take great care of your health. I hope our baby can be born healthy。

Jane:That’s right. I have to quit drinking, and pay closer attention to my diet and nutrition. The doctor told me to take more protein, calcium, iron, and vitamin C. Look at this list he gave me。

Eddie:Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, peanuts...that’s a long list! Even the top gourmand can’t eat so much food. You’ll get huge in no time. But I guess you’re eating for two now. Whatever you want, just ask and I’ll get it for you. I need to take good care of you. Now I think I’m the happiest man in the world。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/259461/857359558.html


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