人教版初二英语上册 人教版初二上册英语Unit3检测试题及答案



I. 选择题(20%)

1. His parents flew to Hong Kong ____a sunny Sunday.

A. in B. on C. at D. to

2. Jim is tall, but his sisters, Mary and Kathy, ______short.

A. are both B. all are C. are all D. both are

3. I am ______taller than my brother

A. very B. too C. more D. a little

4. –Do you enjoy _____ in this city? ---Yes, I d o.

A. to live B. living C. lived D. to living

5. _______ you free tomorrow afternoon?

A. Do B. Am C. Is D. Are

6. The teacher asked ______students to answer the question.

A two more B more two C two another D more some

7. I like to stay with children ______are active .

A which B whose C what D who

8. _______ the books in the bookcase, Jerry.

A. Putting B. To put C. Put D. Puts

9. There _______ lots of popcorn in the kitchen last night.

A. were B. had C. are D. was

10. Do you have ________ to say about this?

A. something else B. anything else

C. else something D. else anything

11. He had to help his parents __________ on the farm on weekends.

A. work B. working C. works D. worked

12. What_________ the matter with your little dog yesterday evening?

A. is B. was C. are D. were

13.The woman wants to find a job________ a babysitter.

A. like B. for C. as D. in

14. That book is not so ______ as this one.

A. interesting B. more interesting

C. most interesting D. the m ost interesting

15. She has a pen in one of her hands, but what's that in her______ hand?

A. one B. another C. the other D. other

16. Would you like ____ cup of tea?

A. other B. the other C. another D. the one

17. My shoes are cheaper than _____.

A. you B. your C. yours D. your one

18. I don’t like green apples. I like red______.

A. this B. that C. one D. ones

19. This classroom is __________than that one.

人教版初二英语上册 人教版初二上册英语Unit3检测试题及答案

A. many big B. much big C. many bigger D. much bigger

20. Do you look _______ Tom?

A. the same as B. same as C. the same D. the same so


The moon is more useful than the sun

James is thirty now. He has found a job in a factory. He can’t do anything _1_ he didn’t study hard when he was at school. He doesn’t like to _2_ his head and plays all _3_ time when he’s free. So he has to do heavy work in the factory to look after the store house(库房). He’s often _4_ a nd can’t sleep at night. So he feels _5_ in the daytime. He doesn’t like his work.

One morning, after he left the storehouse, he hoped to _6_ at once. On his way _7_ home, he saw some people _8_ in the street. He stopped _9_ what was the matter. A few minutes later he knew all. “ I think the moon is _10_ than the sun.” said James.

“ Why?”

“ Because the moon is shining at night. But the sun comes out in the daytime when we don’t need any sunlight.”

( )1. A. when B. because C. until D. so

( )2. A. make B. mend C. use D. let

( )3. A. a B. the C. an D. /

( )4. A. on duty B. in bed C. at home D. at school

( )5. A. happy B. tired C. worried D. exciting

( )6. A. get up B. wake up C. go to bed D. work

( )7. A. to B. at C. / D. for

( )8. A. quarrels(争吵) B. to quarrel C. quarreling D. quarreled

( )9. A. listen to B. to listen to C. listening to D. listened to

( )10. A. useful B. more useful C. much useful D. usefuler


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/258961/473362433.html


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