Roy's dream was to win the Grande Pri. His dream came true on his 26th birthday, when after years of training he entered the race. The race began at noon. Roy and four other cars revved their engines at the starting line, and then they were off.

Roy had a slow start. There were two cars ahead of him and he needed to catch up if he wanted to win the race. As they neared the finish line, the car in front of Roy took a corner too quickly and flipped over blocking the track.
The car burst into flames. The driver was stuck. Roy pulled over, jumped out of his car and ran over to the other driver. He was unconscious. Roy smashed the window and dragged the driver out of the car.
车子突然起火,驾驶员则被卡在车内。罗伊把车开到路边,从车子里跳出来跑到翻车的那名车手那里,发现他已经不省人事了。罗伊打破车窗,把驾驶员从车子里拖 了出来。
Just when they were a safe distance away the car exploded. If it weren't for Roy, the man would have died. Roy didn't win the Grand Prix that year, but he didn't care. He knew he did the right thing.
就在他们离开车子一段安全距离时,车子爆炸了。如果不是罗伊,这名赛车手便难逃一死。虽然罗伊那年没有赢得一级方程式大赛冠军,但他并不在乎,因为他知道 他做的事情是对的。
Marg was no ordinary 84-year-old woman. She was agrandmother, a wife, and daredevil. There wasnothing she wouldn't try once. This year was goingto be the ultimate thrill. She was going to bungeejump from a bridge over 150 stories high!
玛格不是普通的84 岁老妇人,她是祖母,是妻子,同时也是个不怕死的人,没有什么东西她没尝试过。今年她要向兴奋的极限挑战,因为她要去玩从150层楼高的桥往下坠落的高空弹跳!
When she arrived, there were lots of people, mostly in their twenties. Marg didn't see anyonewho was even close to her age. Bungee jumping was not for the faint-hearted. But Marg wasnot worried; she has the heart of a lion.
She walked up the hill to the bridge. There was a long line of young people waiting their turns.Everyone was very excited but also nervous. When it was finally Marg's turn, she looked downat the water below. Could she do this? The water looked so far away. But she had come thisfar, she wasn't going to back out now. The man strapped the rope to her legs. This was it.