空调用英语怎么说 “调高最低工资”英语怎么说


空调用英语怎么说 “调高最低工资”英语怎么说

China's 12 provinces and cities raised the minimum wage this year as the country seeks to reduce income disparity across the country, a media report said Tuesday.

Zhejiang has set the minimum wage at the highest level of 1,310 yuan (US$200), followed by Guangdong with 1,300 yuan and Shanghai with 1,280 yuan.The largest growth was recorded in Chongqing, where the minimum salary increased 28 percent from 680 yuan to 870 yuan.


【讲解】文中的raise the minimum wage 即是调高最低工资,也可以说成increase the minimum wage/salary, minimum表示最低的,最小的,minimum还可以作名词用,表示“最低点”"最小值"等。我国设有最低工资制度the minimum wage system, 并致力于提高最低工资标准the minimum wage standard,涨工资可以说成salary rise或者wage increase,平均工资可以说成average wage或average income。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/258661/697467988.html


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