酒店订房英语对话 关于旅游英语订房对话



A Hello,this is QuaCheng hotel,is there anything I can help you,sir?


B Yes, I'd like to book a room.


A Sure,we have different type of rooms,which would you like to choose?


B I'm not very certain,could you give me a brief introduction,please?


A Ok,our hotel provides standard single room and double room,accordingly,we also have special treatment for VIP.


B Thank you,I want to reserve a single room which is better located between 4th floor to 7 floor.Well,I need the personnel in your hotel to open the window and clean the room before I arrive there.Is that ok?


酒店订房英语对话 关于旅游英语订房对话

A Ok,sir,I already taken some notes about your requirements.Now let me check the room on my computer.Well,one standard single room in 6th floor and the number is 0603,need clean and open the window,anything else?


B Thanks,how much does it cost?


A That is 580 RMB


B Don't your hotel have discount?


A I'm terribly sorry,sir.If you need a discount,you should be our VIP and stay here for at least 3 days.


B OK,that's alright!


A When will you arrive at our hotel,sir?


B Around 15 to 3 P.M.


A OK.It's a great honour for us to serve for you and we are all waitting for your arrival.!


B Thank you very much!Byebye!



A:Room Reservations.Good afternoon.

B:I'd like to book a double room for Tuesday next week.

A:That's fine, sir. A double room for Tuesday, September12th, with a front view or rear view?

B:What's the price difference?

A: A double room with a front view is 140 dollars per night,one with a rear view is 115 dollars per night.

B:I think I'll take the one with a front view then.

A: How long will you be staying?

B: We'll be leaving Sunday morning.

A: That will be five nights, sir.Thank you very much,and we look forward to seeing you next Tuesday.

B: Good. That's all settled then. Good-bye.

A: Good-bye.


A:Advance Reservations.Can I help you?

B:Yes,I'd like to book a single room with a bath from the afternoon of October 4 to the morning of October 10.

A: Yes, we do have a single room available for those dates.

B: What is the rate, please?

A: The current rate is$50 per night.

B: What services come with that?

A: For$50 you'll have a radio, a color television, a telephone and a major international newspaper delivered to your room everyday.

B: That sounds not bad at all.I'll take it.

A:Very good. Could you tell me your name, sir, please?

B: Yes, it is Moore.

A: How do you spell it, please?

B: It's M-O-O-R-E.

A:M-O-O-R-E.And what is your address,please?

B:It is 3600 Montague Boulevard,Hattiesburg,Mississiippi39401 U.S.A..

A: Excuse me, sir, but could you speak a little more slowly,please?

B:Sure,no problem.It's 3600 Montague Boulevard,Hattiesburg,Mississippi 39401 U.S.A..Have you got it?

A:Yes,so it is 3600 Montague Boulevard,Hattiesburg,Mississippi 39401 U.S.A..

B: That's right.

A: What about your telephone number?

B:(601) 264-9716. By the way, I'd like a quiet room away from the street if that is possible.

A:A quiet room away from the street is preferred.O.K..We'll mail you a reservation card confirming your booking as soon as possible.We look forward to your visit.

B:Thank you and good-bye.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/258461/977332501.html


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