英语寓言故事小短文 英语寓言故事短文



During the Spring and Autumn period, Zhi Bo of the Spring and Autumn period, Zhi Bo of the State of Jin destroyed Fan's family. Taking advantage of this occasion, a man went to Fan's house and tried to steal something. As soon as the man entered the gate, he saw that there hung a big bell in the courtyard. The bell was cast in high-quality bronza, and was beautiful in design and shape.

英语寓言故事小短文 英语寓言故事短文

The theif was very glad, and decided1 to carry this beautiful bell back home.

But no matter how hard he tried, he could not move the bell, because the bell was both big and heavy. He thought and thought again, and believed there was only one way to solve the problem. He had to break the bell to pieces before he was able to carry them back to his home separately.

The thief found a big iron hammer, with which he struck the bell with all his might. The striking produced an enormous crashing sound, which might. The striking produced an enormous crashing sound, which made the thief terribly frightened. The thief got flurried, thinking that it was too bad to have produced the crashiing sound which would himself on the bell, trying tomuffle the crashing sound with his arms. But how could the crashing sound of the bell bemuffled?The crashing sound still kept drifting melodiously to distant places. The more he listened to the sound, the more frightened hw became.

He xubconsciously shrank back, and covered his ears hard with his hands. "Hey, the sound becomes fainter, inaudible, "the thief became cheerful at once, " wonderful!The sound of the bell can not be heard when the ears are covered. "He immediately got some odd bits of cloth, made two rolls with them, and had his ears plugged with the two cloth rolls. He thought that in this way nobody could hear the sound of the bell. Feeling relieved, he began striking the bell, one blow after another. The resoundingsound of the bell was heard at distant places, and finally people caught the thief by gracing the sound.

This story comes from"Knowing Yourself" in The Annals by Buwei, written just before the Qin Dynasty(221-207 B.C.) was founded. Allegedly, when Li Yuan, Emperor Gao Zu of the Tang Dynasty(618-907), read this story, he felt it simply ridiculous and said, "This is what is called plugging one's ears while stealing a bell. "

Later, people have used the set phrase "plugging one's ears while stealing a bell" to refer to the ignorance and foolishness of the person who deceives himself as well as others.


The gardner's dog fell into a deep well, from which his master used to draw water for the plants in his garden with a rope and a bucket. Failing to get the dog out by means of these, the gardener went down into the well himself in order to fetch him up. But he dog thought he had come to make sure of drowning him; so he bit his master as soon as be came within reach, and hurt him a good deal, with the result that he left the dog to his fate and climbed out of the well, remarking, "It serves me quite right for trying to save so determined a suicide."


A thief found his way into an apiary when the bee-keeper was away, and stole all the honey. When the keeper returned and found the hives empty, he was very much upset and stood staring at them for some time. Before long the bees came back from gathering honey, and, finding their hives overturned and the keeper standing by, they made for him with their stings. At this he fell into a passion and cried, "You ungrateful scoundrels, you let the thief who stole my honey get off scot-free, and then you go and sting me who have always taken such care of you!"

When you hit back make sure you have got the right man.


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