英语笑话短文 关于短的英语笑话短文欣赏

笑话是幽默的一个属概念 ,具有幽默的一切特征。笑话是民族特有幽默的一种形式。小编精心收集了关于短的英语笑话短文,供大家欣赏学习!

英语笑话短文 关于短的英语笑话短文欣赏

关于短的英语笑话短文:Israel's border

More rockets were fired into Israel today. Israel responded by bombing more targets inside Lebanon.

Now there's talk the U.S. might send some troops over there to help with border security.

That's when you know the people over there are in trouble, when they start asking our advice on border security.

关于短的英语笑话短文:Car accident

As John and his five year old son were headed to McDonald's one day, they passed a car accident.

Usually when they saw something terrible like that, they would say a prayer for those who might be hurt, so John pointed and said to his son, "We should pray."

From the back seat John heard his son's earnest request: "Please, God, don't let those cars block the entrance to McDonald's."

关于短的英语笑话短文:Hiking Money

A Father came home from a long business trip to find his young son riding a brand new bike.

"Where did you get the money for that?" he asked. "It must have cost over 300 dollars!"

"I earned it hiking," replied the boy.

"Hiking??? Come on son, tell your Dad the truth. Nobody can make that sort of money hiking. Where did you Really get the cash from?"

"It's like I say, Dad. Every night when you were gone, Mr Johnson from the bank would come over to see Mom. He'd give me a 20 dollar bill and tell me to take a hike"

关于短的英语笑话短文:Etiquette Lesson

During a good manners and etiquette class being held for young children, the teacher says to her students:

"If you were courting a well educated young girl from a prominent family and during a dinner for two you needed to go to the toilet, what would you say to her?"

Mike replies: "Wait a minute, I'm going for a piss."

The teacher says: "That would be very rude and improper on your part."

Charlie replies: "I'm sorry I need to go to the toilet, I'll be back in a minute."

The teacher says: "That's much better but to mention the word ''toilet'' during a meal, is unpleasant."

And Little Johnny says: "My dear, please excuse me for a moment. I have to go shake hands with a personal friend, whom, I hope to be able to introduce to you after dinner. "

关于短的英语笑话短文:Big Sissy

One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was tucking her small boy into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?"

The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. "I can't, dear," she said. "I have to sleep in Daddy's room."

A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice:

"The big sissy."


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/257861/424016502.html


英语短篇美文欣赏 关于短的英语故事欣赏

童年,是一幅迷人的画,勾勒出我多少动人有趣的故事;童年,是一首婉转悠扬的短笛,奏出了我多少纯洁美好的幻想。本文是关于短的英语故事,希望对大家有帮助!关于短的英语故事:Coli Is EverywhereWe all have Escherichia coli bacteria in o

关于国庆节的英语短文 关于国庆节的英语短文章

十月一国庆节中国举行了大阅兵,外国人看到了中国军队如火如荼的军容后肃然起敬。小编精心收集了关于国庆节的英语短文章,供大家欣赏学习!关于国庆节的英语短文章篇1October 1stis the national day of our country, which is a publ

英语笑话故事短文 很短的英语笑话小故事

民间笑话是一种颇受人们喜爱的民间叙事类型,材料丰富,有广泛的现实基础。本文是很短的英语笑话小故事,希望对大家有帮助!很短的英语笑话小故事:School PlayA father picks up his son after school and asks him how his day has b

幽默与笑话欣赏 关于暑假的英语笑话欣赏

暑假到,烦恼跑;欢乐到,作业丢;朋友到,孤单跑;短信到,祝福到:愿暑假快快乐乐,幸幸福福。下面是小编带来的关于暑假的英语笑话,欢迎欣赏!关于暑假的英语笑话It is an Oak Tree 这是一棵橡树One summer, two men, who had come to the coun

短信笑话精选 有关于短的英语笑话精选

英语笑话可以在说笑中蕴含着人们对于美好生活的期盼和诉求。本文是有关于短的英语笑话,希望对大家有帮助!有关于短的英语笑话:Logic Reasoning 逻辑推理A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson on logic.Here is

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