英文版工作推荐信 关于英文版的工作推荐信

推荐信是一种应用写作文体,在日常生活中有广泛的运用空间。小编精心收集了关于英文版的工作推荐信 ,供大家欣赏学习!

关于英文版的工作推荐信 篇1

To Whom it May Concern:

I've been Michael Smith's manager at XYZ Engineering for almost four years. It was my pleasure to promote Michael to mechanical engineer last year, because he consistently meets and often exceeds his job requirements.

Michael is an enthusiastic, dedicated employee with reliable work habits. He often does not need guidance or supervision, but willingly accepts it when offered. He is consistently successful in improving his skills, and he works hard to do so.

英文版工作推荐信 关于英文版的工作推荐信

Michael is always willing to pitch in to help the team, and he gets the job done right the first time. He is efficient in planning projects, punctual in meeting deadlines, and conscientiously adheres to company standards and guidelines.

You'd be hard pressed to find an employee more dedicated than Michael, and I recommend him as a rock-solid addition to your engineering staff. If you'd like more information, I'd be happy to provide it. Please call the phone number above and ask for me by name.



John Doe

Manager, Mechanical Engineering


关于英文版的工作推荐信 篇2

to whom it may concern,

i'm writing this reference letter on behalf of betty yang. i have been betty's supervisor for four years at nanjing university. during these four years, i have watched her rapidly advance from an entry-level position to a senior one. i've never hesitated to recommend her for promotion when positions became available.

betty derives satisfaction from helping our customers troubleshoot problems. many of those who have received help from betty specifically ask for her if they need to contact support again, and for good reason: she's professional, courteous and quick to help. she is skilled and tackles problems without prompting. i often see betty in our lab before or after work hours, working on problems.

betty is a team player who is always willing to share her knowledge with others. for example, thanks to betty's willingness to share the trouble-ticket notes she so meticulously recorded and compiled, our department was able to create a step-by-step online troubleshooting guide for our field engineers. consequently, we've seen an increase in customer satisfaction, a reduction in complaints, and significant savings for the department.

i have nothing but good things to say about betty and i would strongly recommend her for any endeavor she chooses. please don't hesitate to contact me if you need any more information.



tom green



关于英文版的工作推荐信 篇3

Dear Sir or Madam,

I take great pleasure to write this letter in strongly recommending my favorite student Mr. ****, who will graduate from our department next June, for his application for graduate program at your university.

I have known Mr. ** since September 2004, when he enrolled in my course of Signals and Systems and Communication Principle. He has good grasp of theoretical knowledge and very good analytical ability. He accepted new concepts very rapidly and, was able to cross-fertilize ideas and techniques in my courses with those in other modules. I noticed that he had a deep understanding of the material. He did very well in both of the courses I taught, ranked among the top 10% in the class.

Mr. ** has a broad horizon and he does not limit himself in the book learning. I know that he always search some original reference materials from English journals. That’s the way for him to create his own solutions when facing problems, and the questions for which he comes to me are carefully discussed and analyzed, and always has his unique and practical opinions. He impressed me with his insightful ideas in the class discussion.

I am very glad when Mr. ** told me he would like to pursue advanced studies in telecommunication in the UK, where I had spent my happy one year in bath University in England . In my opinion, with good grasp of theoretical knowledge and potential ability in research, he is a good candidate for graduate program and quite competent for his future study. I wish you could be able to accept him. For any further information about Mr **’s study activities in ***** University, do feel free to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

****** (推荐人姓名)



School of Electronic Information

***** University

Tel: +86-**-6266****

e-mail: :*****@*******


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/257661/349056829.html


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