经典民间故事 三则经典民间故事



There was a man named Cao Shang in the State of Song.

Once, he was sent on a mission by the King of Song to the State of Qin. Before departure, the King of Song bestowed upon him several horse-drawn chariots. Upon arriving in the State of Qin, Cao Shang won the favour of the King of Qin. Consequently, the King bestowed upon him 100 chariots.

Soon afterwards, Cao Shang returned to the State of Song. One day the met Zhuang Zi and said proudly:

"In the past, I lived in poor streets and humble alleys. I was very poor. And made my living by making shoes. I was sallow and thin. This was my weak point. Now, relying on my clever tongue, I have touched the heart of the King of Qin, who is the sovereign lord with 1000 chariots. He bestowed upon me 100 chariots. This is my strong point."

When Zhuang Zi heard this, he gave a snort of contempt and said sarcastically:

"I heard that the King of Qin was ill. He let the physicians: those who sucked pus and ate sores would get I horse-drawn chariot; those who licked the piles would get 5 chariots. The more filthy the illness you treat, the more chariots you would get. You have probably licked his piles; otherwise, how could you acquire that many chariots? You had better go away!"



经典民间故事 三则经典民间故事






One day, King Hui of Liang met Mencius and said: "What a mess the political states of our neighbouring countries is in! When they govern their states, they never think of the people. But when there is a flood in Nenei, I move the victims of the calamity to Henei. I also allocate them food for calamity relief. I have really done my best to govern my country."

As Mencius heard this, he nodded in agreement.

King Hui of Liang went on to say: "Yet my population has not decreased and our neighbouring countries' population has not decreased. Tell me, what exactly is the reason?"

Mencius thought this over and replied: "Your Majesty likes wars. Please allow me to use war as ananalogy. On the battlefield, the sound of fighting shakes the heavens. The two armies are locked in a stalemate, but there is surely to be either victory or defeat. The defeated soldiers, throwing away their helmets and armour, flee for their lives. Some of them flee 50 steps and then stop, while others flee 100 steps and stop. Then, those who flee 50 steps laugh at those who flee 100 steps for their cowardice. Your Majesty, do you think it is right to laugh?"

Upon hearing this, King Hui struck the table and said: "Of course not. No matter whether they flee 50 steps or 100 steps, they are deserters just the same."

一天, 梁惠王见到孟子,说:“你看看邻居的政治多么糟糕!他们治国不为老百姓着想,而我每当河西闹了灾,就把灾民迁到河东;河东遭了难,我又把灾民迁到河西来,还调拨粮食救济他们。对于治理国家,我是尽了自己最大的努力了。”






One day, seated in the ancestral hall, King Hui of Liang saw a man leading an ox pass by. He asked, "Where are you taking the ox?"

The man leading the ox stopped and answered: "I am taking it to be slaughtered and will use its blood to paint the bell."

As king Hui heard this, he felt pity for the ox and said: "How can that be done? You are too cruel. Let it go at once. It is not guilty. How can you kill it? I cannot bear to see it panistricken, shedding tears and trembling before its death."

The man leading the ox asked: "Do you mean that I shall let the ox go and not paint the bell? Is that it?"

King Hui answered: "What are you saying? How can you not paint the bell! Let the ox go, but use a sheep instead."







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