外研版初一上册英语Module 8练习试题及答案

对于初一英语的学习,往往平时要怎样做练习呢?还很迷茫的话,不妨和小编一起来做份外研版初一上册英语Module 8练习试题,希望对各位有帮助!

外研版初一上册英语Module 8练习试题

Ⅰ. 单项选择

1. Mary’s mother always makes a cake ______ her birthday.

A. to B. for C. at D. with

2. My father usually buys ______ for his friends.

外研版初一上册英语Module 8练习试题及答案

A. concert tickets B. concert’s tickets

C. concerts tickets D. concerts ticket

3. —How many ______ there in the concert? —There is only one.

A. singers are B. singer is

C. singer are D. singers is

4. Her parents often give her some CDs ______ birthday gifts.

A. to B. as C. at D. about

5. Daming ______ to music in his room.

A. always listen B. always listens

C. listens always D. listening always

6. —Do you want to learn to dance ______ sing?

— Sorry. I like playing the piano.

A. or B. but C. to D. with

7. ______ have a picnic in the park.

A. Let B. Let’s

C. Would like D. Would you like

8. —Do you take exercise every day?

— Yes. I always ______ thirty minutes after supper. A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay

9. —Would you like to go to the concert this afternoon?

—______ .

A. No, I don’t go B. Yes, I’d like

C. Yes, I’d love to D. Yes, please

10. — Mary, do you like blue?

— Yes. I often ______ blue dresses.

A. put on B. wear C. am in D. take off

Ⅱ. 完形填空

Tom’s birthday is very interesting. His parents buy lots of ice creams 1 him on his birthday. A small strawberry is 2 only one of the ice creams. Tom 3 one ice cream for one year. He’s eighteen years old this year and he eats 4 ice creams. Oh! He eats the strawberry in 5 ice cream! It is great! He can be 6 and happy this year. Tom also 7 lots of birthday cards on his birthday. His friends come to his birthday party and say “ Happy 8 ” to him. They want Tom 9 he is a good friend to them, and he can go to his 10 homes at any time. It’s really a fun birthday.

1. A. from B. for C. on D. of

2. A. under B. for C. of D. in

3. A. buys B. likes C. eats D. comes

4. A. eighteenth B. eight

C. eights D. eighteen

5. A. the eighteenth B. eighteen

C. eighty D. eight

6. A. boring B. difficult

C. healthy D. interesting

7. A. have B. has C. do D. is

8. A. birthday B. Teachers’ Day

C. New Year D. Mother’s Day

9. A. know B. to know

C. knows D. knowing

10. A. the friend B. friends’

C. friend D. the friend’s

Ⅲ. 阅读理解

Today is Alice’s 13th birthday. There is a party for her. A lot of friends come to her home. She is happy to meet them. They bring lots of things to Alice—a birthday cake, some nice cards, books, pens and clothes. And they say, “Happy birthday to you. ” to Alice. Alice is very happy and says, “Dear friends, thank you very much for coming to my birthday party. ” Then they sit down and talk. Alice’s mother goes to cook a big lunch. The meal is very nice. They all like eating it very much. After lunch, they sing and play games, and eat the big birthday cake. They have a good time. At 5:00 in the afternoon, Alice’s friends say goodbye and go back home.

1. Alice is ______ years old next year.

A. thirteenth B. fourteenth

C. thirteen D. fourteen

2. Alice’s friends don’t bring ______ to Alice. A. a birthday cake B. any cards

C. any fruit D. any clothes

3. Alice has her birthday party ______ .

A. at home B. at school

C. at a store D. in her classroom

4. Alice and her friends ______ after lunch.

A. sing and talk

B. play soccer and play games

C. eat the big birthday cake and sing

D. sing, play games and eat the big birthday cake

5. Which is TRUE?

A. Alice’s birthday is in May.

B. Alice is happy to meet her friends.

C. Alice’s mother doesn’t cook lunch.

D. Alice’s friends go back home in the evening.

Ⅳ. 任务型阅读

Dave has got a big family. He’s got his mum and dad, a sister and a brother. His father likes reading. He reads lots of books and magazines. He likes films and he often goes to the cinema. He doesn’t like football. His mother likes sports. Her favourite clothes are jeans and T-shirts. She usually wears trainers. She also likes concerts. She often goes to the concerts. His sister, Emma, likes music. She plays the piano and likes to sing. She often buys CDs of her favourite songs. His brother, Tim, likes football. He often plays football. He usually watches football on TV. He sometimes goes to a football match. Dave likes playing

basketball. He often plays basketball. He

doesn’t like table tennis.


People Presents

Dave’s father 1. ______ or ______

Dave’s mother 2. ______ , ______ or ______

Emma 3. ______

Tim 4. ______

Dave 5. ______


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学习英语这门功课,不能光靠背,还要多做练习才行!那么,对于初一英语究竟要怎样有效的去做题呢?接下来不妨和小编一起来做份外研版初一上册英语Module 5检测试题,希望对各位有帮助!外研版初一上册英语Module 5检测试题及答案Ⅰ.单项填空

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往往在英语考试来临前,英语教师们该如何准备好了学生们的复习工作了吗?让我们来预先做一份试卷,这份设计良好的试卷!下面是小编整理的外研版初一上册英语Module 6练习试题以供大家学习参考。外研版初一上册英语Module 6练习试题及答

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