英语口语对话常用句子 英语对话常用句子



How can you do that

W: I burnt the quilt when smoking.

M: How can you do that?

W: Fortunately, I put it out in time.

M: I left my mobile phone in the taxi when going home.

W: How could you do that?

M: I was a little confused at the time.

He is thick-skinned

W: Li Lei came to borrow money again last night.

M: He is thick-skinned

W: I found an excuse and refused him.

M: He's always pestering me.

英语口语对话常用句子 英语对话常用句子

W: He is thick-skinned and annoying.

M: I don't know what to do now.

Don't you have human feelings

W: Xiao Huang is ill in hospital. Let's go and see him.

M: Haha, he's not my relative.

W: Don't you have any human feelings?

M: Shall we donate a little money to Lao Li?

W: I have no money.

M: Don't you have any human feelings?

Don't you think that's too much

W: Why don't you go to take care of your mother when she's ill?

M: I have my own things to do.

W: Don't you think that's too much?

M: Why do you still gamble? See how poor we are.

W: It's none of your business.

M: Don't you think that's too much?

I wouldn't know it if you didn't tell me

W: You will be promoted.

M: Really? I wouldn't know it if you didn't tell me.

W: Just work hard.

M: Picasso's paintings will be on display in Beijing.

W: I wouldn't know it if you didn't tell me.

M: Let's go to see the master's works together, shall we?

Your idea is not wise

W: Cheating in exams is a very common social phenomenon.

M: We should report it to the department concerned.

W: Your idea is not wise.

M: Shall we not go to English class?

W: Tell Wang Tao to tell the teacher that we are ill.

M: Your idea is not wise.

I'll take it easy

W: Take it easy in my home.

M: Ok. I'll take things easy.

W: Take more of this please.

M: Could you lend me your laptop?

W: Sure, just take it.

M: Ok. I'll take it easy with you.

It's just a story

M: Mum, in the book there were ten suns in the sky.

W: My child, that's just a story.

M: Really?

M: Is there a flying carpet in the world?

W: No, It's just a story.

M: Is it an ancient Arabic legend?

Not that bad at least

W: My luggage is all lost.

M: What a bad luck.

W: Anyway, the certificates are with me. It's not that bad at least.

M: China men's football team fails again to enter the World Cup.

W: Not that bad at least. We can see hope in them.

M: May they realize it another 4 years later.

What a surprise you are here

W: Why didn't you tell me you’ll open a new shop?

M: What a surprise you are here!

W: I just heard about it.

M: What a surprise you are here!

W: We haven't seen each other for ten years.

M: You are right. Come in. We'll catch up.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/257061/288441132.html


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