变形金刚擎天柱名言 擎天柱经典语录英文



1. utobots! Transform and Roll Out!

2. One shall stand, one shall fall.

3. I'll take You All On!

4. Weak! Puny! Waste of metal!

5. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.

6. Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing.

7. Like us, there’s more to them than meets the eye.


1. Sometimes even the wisest of men and machines can be in error.

2. I will accept this burden with all that I am!

3. We lost a great comrade, but gained new ones. Thank you, all of you. You honor us with your bravery.

4. It’s been an honor serving with you all.

5. There’s a thin line between being a hero and being a memory.

6. But before your president decides, please ask him this: What if we leave, and you're wrong?

7. Remember this: You may lose your faith in us, but never in yourselves.

8. Hang on to your dreams, Chip. The future is built on dreams. Hang on.

9. Demolisher: "The Fallen shall rise again!"

10. Optimus: "Not today."

11. Megatron: "You! Who are you?"

12. Prime: "Your worst nightmare!"

13. Megatron: "Any last words?"

14. Prime: "None you’d want to hear, Megatron."

变形金刚擎天柱名言 擎天柱经典语录英文

15. There is one, Megatron. I, Optimus Prime, challenge you!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/257061/241571088.html


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