falling petals
li shangyin
gone is the guest from the chamber of rank,
and petals, confused in my little garden,
zigzagging down my crooked path,
escort like dancers the setting sun.
oh, how can i bear to sweep them away?
to a sad-eyed watcher they never return.
heart's fragrance is spent with the ending of spring
and nothing left but a tear-stained robe.
高阁客竟去, 小园花乱飞。
参差连曲陌, 迢递送斜晖。
肠断未忍扫, 眼穿仍欲归。
芳心向春尽, 所得是沾衣。
north among green vines
li shangyin
where the sun has entered the western hills,
i look for a monk in his little straw hut;
but only the fallen leaves are at home,
and i turn through chilling levels of cloud
i hear a stone gong in the dusk,
i lean full-weight on my slender staff
how within this world, within this grain of dust,
can there be any room for the passions of men?
残阳西入崦, 茅屋访孤僧。
落叶人何在? 寒云路几层。
独敲初夜磬, 闲倚一枝藤。
世界微尘里, 吾宁爱与憎。
a cicada
li shangyin
pure of heart and therefore hungry,
all night long you have sung in vain --
oh, this final broken indrawn breath
among the green indifferent trees!
yes, i have gone like a piece of driftwood,
i have let my garden fill with weeds....

i bless you for your true advice
to live as pure a life as yours.
本以高难饱, 徒劳恨费声。
五更疏欲断, 一树碧无情。
薄宦梗犹泛, 故园芜已平。
烦君最相警, 我亦举家清。
wind and rain
li shangyin
i ponder on the poem of the precious dagger.
my road has wound through many years.
...now yellow leaves are shaken with a gale;
yet piping and fiddling keep the blue houses merry.
on the surface, i seem to be glad of new people;
but doomed to leave old friends behind me,
i cry out from my heart for xinfeng wine
to melt away my thousand woes.
凄凉宝剑篇, 羁泊欲穷年。
黄叶仍风雨, 青楼自管弦。
新知遭薄俗, 旧好隔良缘。
心断新丰酒, 销愁斗几千。
on hearing jun the buddhist monk from shu play his lute
li bai
the monk from shu with his green silk lute-case,
walking west down omei mountain,
has brought me by one touch of the strings
the breath of pines in a thousand valleys.
i hear him in the cleansing brook,
i hear him in the icy bells;
and i feel no change though the mountain darken
and cloudy autumn heaps the sky.
蜀僧抱绿绮, 西下峨眉峰;
为我一挥手, 如听万壑松。
客心洗流水, 余响入霜钟。
不觉碧山暮, 秋云暗几重?