


Turn Exercise into Fun

Doing exercise…

Having fun…

When having to make a choice most people think they have to choose between the two. Far too often people go for the latter and naturally choose fun. For instance many people would prefer watching television, or more commonly known as TV to exercising, we all know that it's true, right? The problem is, if you don't exercise you will become weak and ultimately out of shape and it is no fun to be out of shape, right? So the question is, why not turn exercise into fun?

As an example, if TV is your favorite thing to do, why not connect your TV set to an electric generator that is charged by a stationary bike, you know, the kind of bike you peddle, that doesn't go anywhere. So think about it, the more you watch TV, the fitter you'll be.

Now if you are the kind of person who thinks listening to music is fun and you spend many hours alone tap tap tapping your fingers and your toes to the beat, why not take it one step further and get up on your feet and dance, dance, dance.

Or maybe you're the type of person who prefers being with your friends. There are many ways one could have fun with their pals. For instance you could just hang out and do nothing or better yet you could get into a friendly game of basketball or football there is no rule that says everyone has to be as good as Yao Ming or David Beckham, right?

However sometimes there just aren't enough players, or you may even be alone in which case you could go for a ride on your bike, maybe, stop by the library to borrow a book, or go for a walk around the park and enjoy the sunshine and scenery. Before you know it, you're having fun.

Let's face it, exercise is work and when we think of work we think of thankless underpaid hardships yet it needn't be this way, if we think of exercise as fun.











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