暑假作业答案七年级下 七年级英语暑假作业答案




1-5 BCDDA 6-10 BBDDA 11-15 DCCDC


暑假作业答案七年级下 七年级英语暑假作业答案

1-5 CBCDA 6-10 BDBAD

三、阅读理解 ACCBD


1.pollution 2. strange 3. Appeared 4. geography 5. dangerous 6. frightened

7.Scientists 8. twentieth 9.towards 10.practises 11.None 12.northwest


1. is knocking 2.bought 3.to learn 4.goes 5. playing 6. Don't forget , to take 7. doesn't rain 8.Listening 9. will begin


1.What's, weight of 2.couldn't see anything 3,Each of , has 4. Don't take 5. Which book 6. How long 7. Differen't from 8. What did, do 9. What a tall building it is !./ How tall the building is !

10 I was excited to see so many amazing things.

11 Is it necessary to walk the dog once a day?


1.Look! How happily the children are playing!

2.Thank you for recommending such an interesting film to me.

3.It's bad for your health to go to school without having breakfast.

4.Do you know what happened to him last week?

5.The teacher told the children to keep away frem danger.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/256661/129249258.html


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