财务管理专业自我评价 财务专业英文自我评价



n practice work, serious and responsible, practical work hard, you do not understand the place to ask humbly to the competent colleagues, good at thinking, take notes, review notes daily, weekly writing experience, adhere to the recording bit of work, lessons learned. The acquired knowledge to concrete work, quality and quantity to complete the task, attentive patience intention is a qualified financial staff that have the quality, I will always insist, although usually perhaps careless, but the work up, facing the data can not be the slightest sloppy, did not urgent, the Chinese Tai Chi Tao financial officers who can be the ultimate reflection. Mutual help in the group, with good teamwork and communication capacity to assist, and competent colleagues along well.



I have a solid knowledge of the accounting profession, to complete the daily business of Independent Accounts, profit and loss carry-forward, cost accounting, the tax is levied, afterwards, reimbursement, etc., we learned professional courses have achieved excellent results, and for two consecutive He was awarded scholarships for outstanding students; know how to do manual and computerized bookkeeping accounts, computer skills, familiar with the dish, the UF, office, VFP, network design, software industry operations; Western good level, with some English conversation, reading ability to obtain CET certificate; I am strong social skills, interpersonal relations, and to adapt, learning ability, serious and responsible, honest and trustworthy, warm and generous, have good moral character; for many years so I have a tenure of cadres strong work, organization, management and communication skills. I am willing to do everything to the Company's own development and work hard!



I'm hard working, willing to endure hardship, willing to sacrifice. This year, due to the relocation of the whole place and standardization of accounting basis rectification work, the intensity and difficulty of the financial operations have increased. In addition to complete reimbursement of work, we are also taking into account Cory back office work and other businesses. To according to the quality and quantity to complete the task, I do not care about personal gains and losses, do not speak reward, sacrifice, often work overtime. Willing to endure hardship carry forward, willing to sacrifice the spirit of the work, the work has always been able to do to treat hard working, conscientious. Reimbursement completing tasks at the same time, taking into account the back office, do the budget, the administration of detention deposit, various tasks well done, played a role in advanced and example.

I have self-discipline and establish a good image of the people's police detention work and financial workers. I, as a leader xx financial system, has a dual identity. Therefore, in the daily work, both with a xx standard working people to ask themselves, learn and master the reeducation through labor-related laws and regulations, knowledge, knowing to do according to the law, Zhang Zhi Xun chapter. Youyi a standards themselves accountants, accountancy professional ethics education and construction, familiar with financial laws, rules, regulations and national unified accounting system, so impartial, honest and upright.

财务管理专业自我评价 财务专业英文自我评价




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/256061/387442204.html


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