适合儿童故事的配乐 适合儿童看的英语故事



The mole in the morning to open the door, he saw the door with a gift, what is it? The mole want to open a look, but this gift is not for yourself, who send gifts to the wrong? How sad that didn't receive gifts! Little mole thought...

"Xiong Dashu, this is your gift?"

Xiong Dashu bowed their heads and saw the little mole hands holding a big gift, thought is for yourself! Smile of say: "not, not."

Asked the little mole is the tree to pick a banana see the little monkey said: "hi! How are you, this gift is you?"

Little monkey shook his head continued to pick bananas, it probably doesn't have time and the mole on chat a few words. Little mole be well-advised away, what are the distance two squirrel scramble, the mole will think about this gift is the squirrel brothers? Said the little mole come forward to say hello: "hello! Excuse me this gift is you?"

The squirrel brothers said: "no... this is not our."

Sun slowly down the hill, the mole is going to go home, looking for tomorrow, go back to the home of the little mole saw a big cake and his good friend, little rabbit, little lamb, little hedgehog, because today is her birthday, is the gift you give yourself.


Black children have a beautiful red ball. He never willing to let others play. One night, black children had a strange dream, he dreamed of the apple tree in the yard, turned into an old man. The tree grandpa said: "black children, your ball and let me play?" Black children tightly holding the ball said: "no, no." The apple tree grandpa said: "give me to play, I give you a red and big apple tree." So, black children agreed.

Black children told the dream to mother, mother said: "the silly child, apple tree which meeting to play the ball? Besides, fruit trees this year, don't hang Suzy." Black children don't believe that he cheated on mom, throw the ball to the tree. The tree shook her, as if said to him: "thanks!" Black children was very happy, he think: "when the apple is ripe, my friends can eat the apple."

A few days later, his mother asked black children: "you of the ball?" Black children, said: "lost." The mother ask again: "where is the lost?" Black children red the face said: "perhaps, is the children's park." He rushed the tree crowded crowded eyes. The tree was happy.

Sure enough, the apple tree Suzy, Suzy change from green to red. Black children's mother said, "how strange, fruit trees this year? She walked from the apple tree, suddenly, an apple fell on her head. Black children's mother picked up a look, ah, is a lovely ball. Ah ah ah, fruit trees on the long ball.

Just then, many of the junior partner to the black children. Black children around them to eat the apple. Black children mother shouted loudly: "children, you are welcome. Come and look at my fruit trees on the long ball, perhaps, there's a lot, you find out." Black children shouted: "comrades, on the tree!" Going, and they all climbed up the apple tree.

They eat, laugh, know the secret of the ball, black children's mother is the only one in the dark. After a while, she will be the children shouted: "hey, did find?"

适合儿童故事的配乐 适合儿童看的英语故事


Sunny day, the small white rabbit happily playing on the grass. It play ah, ah, suddenly to rain cats and dogs.

The small white rabbit didn't bring an umbrella, it sees the ground with a few big mushroom, then picked a immediately. In this way, it walked with mushroom umbrella to go home. To the doorstep, it "knocked" knock three times, my mother heard hurried to open the door, mother rabbit said: "hey, how do you not get wet?" The small white rabbit replied: "yes, I did not get wet, also brought back a big mushroom!"

Mother smiled, laughed the little white rabbit.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/255961/970436111.html


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