三年级英语小故事短篇 关于短篇英语故事阅读


关于短篇英语故事:Ham and Eggplant

He arrived home a little bit hungry. First, he had to take a small package of ham out of the freezer. But before he did that, he took the big pot off the stove and put about an inch of water in the bottom. Then he put the steamer basket into the pot. He put the pot on the stove and turned on the gas burner.

He opened the refrigerator and took out an eggplant. He washed the eggplant with soap and water, and then rinsed it. He sliced the eggplant into thin sections, and put them all into the big pot. He put the lid on the pot and set the timer to 20 minutes.

In 20 minutes, the eggplant would be deliciously soft, almost like pudding. He would take half of it out of the pot, and put it into a bowl. Then he would add a little butter, salt, ground pepper, and fresh-squeezed lemon juice. Then, he would chop up some microwaved ham, add it to the eggplant, and enjoy! But first, he needed to take the ham out of the freezer.

Before he did that, he took a lemon out of the fruit bowl on top of the refrigerator. He sliced it in half and looked around for the lemon squeezer. It was supposed to be hanging on a hook above the sink. It wasn’t, of course. He dug through the pile of clean dishes in his sink. It wasn’t there. He looked through all the stuff on all the countertops. He looked on the stovetop, in the fridge, and in the microwave. He looked in the kitchen drawers. He gave up.

He sat down at the dining table and cursed his lack of organization. I’ve spent half of my life looking for things I’ve spent the other half misplacing, he muttered. Just then he spotted the lemon squeezer, sitting on top of his printer. Of course, he thought. Where else would it be?

The timer went off. He turned off the burner. He squeezed the lemon. He took half the eggplant out of the pot, put it into a bowl, added butter, and watched it melt. He shook salt and grinded pepper onto the eggplant, poured the lemon juice on the eggplant, and sat down at the dining table. He took a bite. It was delicious! But, something was missing. What was it? Just before the last bite of eggplant, he remembered.

关于短篇英语故事:The Haircut

Sonny could have grabbed the sun with his own two hands and pulled it ten million miles closer to Earth, but that would not have warmed up Natalie.

“You know how much I hate the cold, and you know how fragile I am. The last time I was here, you promised me that you would always turn on the heat before you picked me up, so that your apartment would be nice and warm by the time we walked into it.”

She went on to tell him that this was just another example of how inconsiderate he was. He tried to tell her that he had simply forgotten. “You know how bad my memory is,” he said. But she pointed out that his memory seemed to work very well whenever it didn’t involve her. When it came to remembering what others—including total strangers—liked or disliked, Sonny had a great memory. Maybe his memory failed only when it came to Natalie’s needs because he could care less about Natalie and her feelings.

Oh no, here we go again, Sonny thought. But Natalie was through. “Take me home,” she demanded. But what about his haircut, he asked. “Who cares about your stupid haircut? Your hair will be around your ankles before I touch you or your hair clippers again!”

关于短篇英语故事:The Spitter

Rudy and Brenda were walking on the sidewalk, approaching the coffee shop. A young man was sitting at an outside table. There were four chairs at the table, but he was by himself.

Just before Rudy and Brenda got up to his table, the young man spit on the sidewalk. Rudy said to Brenda, “Watch out for the spit,” and glared at the young man.

三年级英语小故事短篇 关于短篇英语故事阅读

How dare he spit on the sidewalk just as Rudy and Brenda were approaching? But there was nothing Rudy could say in front of Brenda—she would get angry. She was always telling him to ignore jerks. So he ignored this jerk. They found a nearby table with only one chair. Rudy grabbed a chair from the young man’s table, and he sat down.

Rudy went around the corner to buy a newspaper from the newsstand. When he returned, he noticed that the young man was gone. Rudy asked Brenda what she wanted to drink. She said she wasn’t thirsty.

He walked inside to get himself a coffee. Surprised, he saw that the person behind the counter was the spitter from outside. “You work here?” Rudy asked.

“What does it look like?” the young man said.

“Where’s your supervisor?” Rudy asked.

“He’s on break,” the young man said. He definitely had an attitude, Rudy thought. Rudy ordered an extra large orange juice and an extra large latte. A few minutes later, the young man placed them on the counter and said, “Eight dollars.”

Rudy asked for a small cup of water with ice. When the young man turned around to put ice into a cup, Rudy knocked both of his extra large drinks over. The latte spilled onto the counter and then onto the floor behind the counter. The orange juice spilled into the tip basket, which was full of coins and bills. The young man turned around, looked at the mess, and glared at Rudy. Rudy said, “Forget the water,” and walked out.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/255661/610364881.html


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