英语日常会话 双人英语会话



W: How many people are there in your family?

M: Five. Besides my parents and me, there are my brother and sister.

W: That is a big family. How old is your sister?

M: 15.

W: What about your brother?

M: He’s not quite 25.

W: Do you miss your family?

M: Yes.

W: Do you often go home?

M: No. But I write to them often.

W: How often do you write to them?

M: Once a month.


W: Gino, do you really need to go?

M: Yeah, it's must for me.

英语日常会话 双人英语会话

W: But don't forget to give me a ring.

M: I won't, mom.

W: Take care of yourself.

M: I will. Bye, mom.

W: Bye, my boy.


M: The world changes, the family changes too.

W: What do you mean?

M: People now like a small family composed of two parents and one child.

W: That is called a nuclear family.

M: I don't like such a family.

W: What kind of family are you like?

M: I like a family composed of many people. It includes grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, and children.

W: It's a traditional family. It may be too large to live well.

M: We can live well, I think.


M: How's your mother doing?

W: She is so pretty sick.

M: That's too bad. I wish your mother can recover soon.

W: Thank you.


M: Long time no see!

W: Yes. It has been a long time since the last time we met.

M: It's nice to see you again. Have you changed jobs?

W: No. I've been visiting relatives recently.

M: That's nice. Where have you been?

W: I went to visit an uncle in San Francisco.

M: Are you busy now?

W: No. Why?

M: How about a coffee in that cafe?

W: Great. Let's talk over coffee.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/255261/662279600.html


美女资料库 橘丽美(ReimiTachibana) tachibana

橘麗美 Reimi Tachibana生日:1986年6月16日出身:千葉縣三圍:83-57-84身高:154cm血型:O型特技:柔道 空手道 唱歌 英语(日常会话程度)趣味:DJ,电影欣赏(目前收集的DVD约1000张)代表作:日本テレビ系列《アナザースカイ》 テレビ東京《やりすぎコー



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