英语趣味脑筋急转弯 八年级趣味英语脑筋急转弯30则


1、Q:Why does a giraffe have such a long neck?

A: Because its head is so far from its body.

2、Q:Who wears the biggest hat in the world?

A: The man with the biggest head in the world.

3、Teacher: "Raymond, in what battle was Admiral Lord Nelson killed?"

Raymond: "His last one, sir."

4、Teacher: "Sarah,what was the first thing James the first did on coming to the throne?"

Sarah: "He sat down, miss."

5、Cooking teacher: "Tom, how can we prevent food from going bad?"

Tom: "By eating it, miss."

6、A:"Ticket inspector, why did you punch a hole in my ticket?"

B: "So you can go through, sir."

7、A:"How short can girls' skirts get?"

B: "No matter how short, they will always be above two feet."

8、Father(meaningly): "Who is the laziest member of your class, tommy?"

Tommy: "I don't know, Pa."

Father: "I should think you should know. When all the others are industriously studying or writing their lessons, who is it that sits idly in his seat and watches the rest, instead of working himself?"

Tommy: "The teacher."

9、Teacher: "Arthur,if you had three apples and ate one,how many would you have?"

Arthur: "Three."

Teacher: "Three?"

Arthur: "Yes. Two outside and one inside."

英语趣味脑筋急转弯 八年级趣味英语脑筋急转弯30则

10、Q: What's the difference between a monkey and a flea?

A:Amonkey can have fleas,but a flea can't have monkeys.

11、Q: Which is the strongest creature in the world?

A:The snail.It carries its house on its back.

12、Q: What do people do in a clock factory?

A:They make faces all day. (注:make faces直译为“制造钟面”,但作为固定短语,有“做鬼脸”的意思。)

13、Q: How do you stop a sleepwalker from walking in his sleep?

A:Keep him awake.

14、Q:What stays hot even if put in a fridge? (注:hot 有两个意思,热的;辣的。)

A: Pepper(辣椒)。

15、Q:Which side is the left side of a pie? (注:the left side of a pie 有两层意思,饼的左边;饼剩下没吃的那一边。)

A: The side that is not eaten,yet.

16、Q:Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad?

A:Mom is closer,because dad is farther.

17、Q:Can you go to the Cinema With your watch broken?

A: Of course not,for I don’t have the time. (注:I don’t have the time 有两种理解:①我没有时间;②我没戴表或我的表坏了,不知道时间。)

19、Q:Why is the comet like Micky Mouse?

A: It’s a star with a tail. (注:tail/teil n.(动物的)尾巴;彗(星)尾)

20、Q:What’s the largest room in the world?

A: The room for improvement.

21、Q:What’s the poorest bank in the world?

A: The river bank. (注:bank n.银行;堤岸)

22、Q:When is coffee like the surface of the earth?

A: When it’s ground. (注:ground n.地面,它也是grind/grind v.磨碎;碾碎的过去分词形式。)

23、Q:What month do soldiers hate?

A:March. (注:march n.三月;行军)

24、Q:When is a person not a person?

A:When he is a little cross. (注:cross adj.烦恼;恼火; n.十字架)

25、Q:When is a door not a door?

A:When it’s ajar. (注:ajar adj.(门)虚掩着,露了一条缝的;ajar音似(一只壶)。)

26、Q:When are boys not boys?

A:When they’re bare-footed. (注:bare-footed 赤脚,音似bear-footed。)

27、Q:When is a clock dangerous?

A:When it runs down the stairs and strikes one. (注:strikes one 另一层意思是:击中一个人。)

28、Q:What fruit is never found singly?

A:Pear. (注:pear,跟pair同音,而pair是一对的意思,所以pear is never found singly。)

29、Q:What is the longest word in the world?

A:Smiles. (注:smiles中间夹了个mile,mile是“一英里”的意思,所以这个单词最长。)

30、Q:What will you break once you say it?




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