小学生英语怎么说 “学生守则”英语怎么说


The absence of a rule encouraging brave actions in the code of conduct for students has sparked debate among Chinese parents and netizens, who wonder whether it is for safety concerns or an encouragement of cowardice.

A draft of the code of conduct for primary and middle school students, which is issued by the Ministry of Education lately, has asked students to learn how to protect themselves and seek help under some dangerous circumstances.

In terms of safety, the draft has also reminded students of traffic safety and the possibility of drowning when swimming, as well as the danger of drugs.



小学生英语怎么说 “学生守则”英语怎么说



文中的code of conduct for students就是“学生守则”的意思。这里的code用作名词,解释为“准则”,如moral code(道德准则);code若作“密码”解,搭配用法有:break a code(破译密码)、code telegram(密码电报)。conduct用作名词时,解释为“行为”;用作动词时,解释为“引导;指挥”,可派生出conductor(指挥家、指导者)一词。

此外,文中的cowardice用作名词,解释为“懦弱”,派生自coward(懦夫),如:Only a coward gives in to his fate.(只有懦夫才会向命运屈服。)


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/254761/61311581.html


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