英语常用口语对话 日常用英语口语对话


日常用英语口语对话:Entering school

(F - Female, M - Male)

Dialogue 1

F: When do most children start school in your country?

M: In America, most children start primary school at the age of 5.

F: How much time do primary school students usually spend at school every day?

M: Kindergarden students usually on the go-to-school for about 4 hours every day. But after that, they spend about 8 hours in school every day.

F: Do they have to go to school on Saturdays?

英语常用口语对话 日常用英语口语对话

M: No. Most children in America only go to school Monday through Friday.

F: How many subjects do they have to study?

M: In most schools, they study about 9 subjects.

F: Do students have to wear uniforms in school in America?

M: Some primary schools require their students to wear uniforms, but public schools don't.

F: Did you go to a public school or a private school?

M: I went to a private school for elementary school and university, but went to a public school for a high school. What about you?

F: I went to a boarding school for nursery school to senior high school.

M: Did you have to wear uniforms?

F: Yes, they were horrible. we had to wear green every day.

M: At least you didn't waste time thinking about what you are going to wear every day.

F: That's true.

Dialogue 2

M: Do you mind if I sit here?

F: No, of course not. Go ahead!

M: Don't I know you?

F: Yes, not to mention it.I think we had chemistry class together in high school.

M: You are right! How are you? It's been a long time.

F: What did you do after high school?

M: I went straight to university afterwards. What about you?

F: I took a year off to go travelling.

M: That sounds exciting. Where did you go?

F: I went all over the world. It was the best year of my life.

Where did you go to the school?

M: I went to a small school of Kentucky, it has a very good reputation for its language department.

F: Oh, did you study a foreign language?

M: Yes, I got a plan to study the Chinese.

F: That's a very difficult language to learn, isn't it?

M: It is. But it's very worthing.

F: So you can speak Chinese?

M: I can, but not as well as I'd like to. I'll be studying Chinese in normal days until I die.

F: I think most languages take lifetime to learn well.

日常用英语口语对话:Happy university

Dialogue one:

B.Did you go to university?

J.Yes, I graduated with a BA in English from QingDao University.

B.When did you graduated?

J. Just a few years ago. What about you?

B. I just graduated from high school.

J. Are you planning on going to university?

B.I'd like to get a BA, but I don't know where I should go.

J.Have you applied anywhere yet?

B.I have applied four universities and have been accepetd into all of them.

J.Congratulations! Which on is the cheapest?

B.The tuition is the same for all of them.

J,Which one has the most interesting course?

B.I think the course at Leeds university is interesting, but I think the one at Manchester University would be more practical.

J.Where would you like to be located?

B.I'd really like to be in London, but it's the most expensive city in England to live in, so I don‘t know if I can afford to live there.

J.Have you applied for grants or financial aid of some sort?

B.Not yet.

J.I think you should do that soon. It will help you make a decision about the school you go to.

B.That is a good idea.

J. Good luck!

Dialogue two

J. So,how is your course going? Do you like it?

B.I like my professions and the classes, but it's a lot of work.

J.What are you specializing in?

B.Right now, I am doing some research into the languages of different African tribes.

J. That sounds really interesting.Can you speak Swahili?

B. Yes, I learned how to speak it when I was little.

J. Really? How did you do that?

B. Well, I grew up in African, so I leaned quite a few different languages.

J. That's amazing. Are you doing well in your classes?

B.I don't know because I haven't received any test results yet.

J. When did you take your exams?

B.About two weeks ago.

J.how do you think you did?

B. I left feeling pretty confident about my score, but I heard that my professiors are very stric garders, so I am a bit nervous.

J I am sure you will do well. Did you study hard?

B You know me, I am always studying!

J Don't worry, If you don't do well, on one can!

B Thanks for the vote of confidence , Justin.

日常用英语口语对话:Headache exams and teachers

Dialogue One

W:How was school today, Dominic?

M:I hate school.

W:Why, what happened?

M:I messed up my midterm exam so badly today.

W:It's just one exam, can you retake the exam?

M:Yes, but it's so humiliating, I don't want my friends to know I failed.

W:Why didn't you do a good job?

M:I don't know, I sat down at my seat, looked at my paper and then my mind just went totally blank.

W:Do you think you study enough for the exam?


W:What did you do last night?

M:I watched TV.

W:Did you "studyed" at all last night for your exam?

M:No, not really.

W:I'm sure if you had studyed , you would have done well, when do you retake your exam?


M:All right, get out your books, I'll help you prepare.

Dialogue Two

M:You look better today, how did you test go?

W:Much better than I did yesterday?

M:Did you pass?

W:I not only passed my test but I asted it, I'm so happy.

M:You should be, you're too really hard last night preparing for it.

W:Thanks for helping me with it,if you hadn't encouraged me to do my best, I wouldn't ever be able to pass.

M:You don't have to thank me, it's just a part of my job as your counser.

W:Did you always do well at school?

M:No, in fact I was terrible in taking exams.


M:Sure, but my teachers always encorage me to do the best that I could, and that helps me a lot, when are your final exams?

W:I'll get my finals in two months.

M:When do you plan on studying for those exams?

W:Most students just cram than I beforehand.

M:Do you think that's a good idea?

W:No, I think I should study a little better at a time, studying a few weeks before the exam.

M:That sounds a good idea, what are you going to do if I'll ask you a question why you're studying?

W:I've got to talk to my professor, or learning support system.

M:Sounds like you learn something useful this year.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/254661/984454301.html


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