小学生英语故事阅读 小学生四年级英语故事阅读


小学生四年级英语故事:Foolish Father and Son


Mr Smith and his son Jim rent a boat from Mr Green. They find a very good place and catch a lot of fish. Now it is late and they are going home.

小学生英语故事阅读 小学生四年级英语故事阅读


Jim says, “I’ll come here again tomorrow.”


“Yes, me too.” say his father. “But how can we get back and find the right place again?” “I can make a mark on the side of the boat.” Jim answers.


The father laughs and says, “No, that’s foolish! Mr Green won’t give us the same boat next time.”


小学生四年级英语故事:Don’t Throw Good Things Away


A man is going to the house of a rich man. He sees a box of good apples by the road. He says, “I don’t want them, because the rich man will give me a lot of good food.” Then he takes the apples and throws them into the dustbin.


He comes to a river. The water in the river is very deep and he can’t get across it. He says to himself, “I can’t go to the rich man’s house today. ” So he goes home.


He has nothing to eat the day. He is very hungry, so he comes to the apples.


Don’t throw good things away, you may be glad to have them sometimes.


小学生四年级英语故事:The Doorbell Rings


Mr King is very rich. He lives in a big house with his family. There is a swimming pool in front of the house and a beautiful garden behind the house. He often has a drink or reads some newspapers in the garden after dinner. One day he stays at home. He is reading a book. Then he hears someone ring the doorbell. He opens the door but there is nobody. He is a little angry. He thinks some naughty (顽皮的, 淘气的) boy did it.


Just then he sees a policeman. So he asks the policeman. “Did you see a boy ring my doorbell and run away?”


“A boy? No. but I saw two old man. They laughed while they ran away quickly.”



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在小学英语教学的过程中故事教学在其中占据着非常重要的地位。儿童天生就有着好奇、乐于模仿的性格,小学英语故事教学正是迎合了孩子们这些特征。本文是关于小学英语故事阅读素材,希望对大家有帮助!关于小学英语故事阅读素材:The fo

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