保持心理健康英文作文 保持心理健康的高中英语作文



One in four people will experience some kind of mental problem in the course of a year. When you fail to manage these problems, they are likely to cause various mental illnesses.

The cause of mental health problems often vary a lot from one case to another. In today’s society, a good number of people are suffering from heavy pressure. Others lack communication skills. In addition, a lot of people are ignorant of psychological knowledge about how to keep mentally fit. From joozone.com There are a lot of ways to curb mental health problems and keep psychologically healthy. Firstly, find the real cause of your mental health problem and see whether you can do something about it. Secondly, learn to relax yourself and take exercises to release the pressure. Lastly, you may find it helpful to talk to your partner or friend about your problem, or seek support and advice form a psychological consultant


More and more people has begun to consider their mental health that plays an important role in our daily life. Nowadays ,many students suffer from mental illness ,which seriously influence on their study and daily life.


Consequently, schools should take effect measures to solve this problem. The mental health consul department should be built in school to help those students who suffer from mental illness. In this way, those who are subjected to the mental illness can get rid of the unhealthy shadow and build up their confident. On the one hand, school can provide a chance for students to show their tension. On the other hand, president and teachers should try their best to help those students. In addition, giving more concentration on their physical health would help them to rebuild their mental health.


From what has been mentioned above, as students, we should try our best to communicate with our, friends, parents or teachers. Last but not the least; we should not hesitate to go to the mental health consult room for help when we have trouble in mental illness. Only in this way, can we reduce our mental illness, and we will become a strong and confident person in the end.


保持心理健康英文作文 保持心理健康的高中英语作文


Students' mental health has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. Indeed, it is widely accepted that it has gained growing popularity among persons in all walks of life. There is a general discussion today about the issue of disorder in brains.

Obviously, it is necessary that effective actions should be taken to prevent problems. Authorities in universities play a critical role in the situation. To begin with, schools, such as colleges or universities, can provide chances for the young men to ease their attention. What's more, some are physically strong, but psychological problems are able to bring potential threats. Teaches may have a chance to find them in advance. Besides, specialists in this field are to be required to make full preparation for cases in time. Facing the crisis, experts can deal with it in a professional way, which means they have more or better opportunities to save us than others.

From the factors mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that we can free ourselves from mental illness by taking certain precautions. For example, if you have pains or puzzles in mind, finding a friend to express these is a good way to release pressure. Certainly, there is little doubt that further attention will be paid to the issue.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/254261/491147043.html


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