英语两分钟对话 两人两分钟英语对话欣赏



Sara: Jessica is going back to Holland next week. I've been thinking a lot about what to give her as a parting gift, but I still have no clue.


Nick: is that the girl you spent almost every weekend with?


S: yeah, that's her. We had a lot of wonderful times together. She is really a special friend, and I want to get her something meaningful.


N: I am not good at picking gifts. Maybe you can ask if there's anything she needs to make it easier?


S: I don't think so. That way it would lose all the charm. I want it to be a surprise. I want to show her that I care about her and I hope our friendship will last.


N: yeah, that's nice.


S: hmm, I think I've got an idea. Maybe I can get her an ever-green plant to take back home.


N: a plant? That's creative. I'm sure ever time she waters it she'll think of you. But there is a problem. Do you think it'll be able to go through the customs?


S: I hope so. I'll make sure to get a small one so she can put it into her suitcase. I hope it won't cause her trouble at the border.


N: I don't know. I think the idea of a plant going across borders with a friend is really exciting but maybe seeds would be safer. You don't want to get her in trouble.



Elizabeth: Hi, Bob, everything okay?


Bob: more or less. There;s just one thing bothering me.


E: oh? What's that?


B: well, you know I have some students studying for their master's degree. One of them tried to give me a gift that kinda made me uneasy.


E: what gift?


B: it's an Egyptian carpet. The student came to my office the other day and brought the carpet to show his gratitude. Seeing what gift was, I was really uncomfortable. I mean it's too expensive a gift for a student to give a professor. I don't think I've done anything to deserve that gift, so I refused it.


E: you refused the gift? That's terrible.


B: I know, but I really can't accept such an expensive gift. I explained to him why, but he seemed really upset about it. I think he might have taken it the wrong way.


E: perhaps. He probably thinks you considered the gift a bribe for a higher grade.


B: that's what I am worried about. I do understand the respect attached with the gift and I am honored. But I really don't think it's proper for a student to spend a fortune in a gift for a professor. I think we need to have a talk to make sure we are on the same page.



Arrriorig coiieagues 同事之间

B: Hi, Mary, can I have a minute?


M: sure, what's up?


B: well, actually I want to tell you that I've put in notice.


英语两分钟对话 两人两分钟英语对话欣赏

M: really? Why?


B: many reasons. I've been here for too long. Next year will be my five-year anniversary. I want a change of setting. Besides, our company is downsizing. I don't want to stay on just to be let go.


M: but they wouldn't lay you off! You are the most experienced project manager in the company.


B: maybe. But that's not kept the new boss from berathing down my neck. To be honest, I've got a better offer from another company.


M: oh that's great, congratulations! What's your new position?


B: senior director of market research. In addition to a nice pay rise it has some nice perks, like a company car, one month paid vacation,and an apartment downtown. And it's an international company so I'll have lots of chances to travel and meet new people. I'm really looking forward to it.

市场调研高级经历. 除了薪水更高以外,这份工作还有很多额外的好处,比如公司会给我配车,还有一个月的带薪假期和一套市中心的公寓.而且这家公司走的是国际化路线,我会有很多机会去不同的地方,认识不同的人.我真的很期待.

M: sounds a great opportunity. I bet that made the decision to leave a lot easier.


B: indeed. But let's stay in touch. I'll let you know how things go.


M: sure.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/254061/833076767.html


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