英语日常用语2000句 关于电话英语日常用语



AHello, could I speak to Allison, please?


BI'm sorry; he's out at the moment.


AWhen do you expect him back?


BI think he'll be back in about an hour at least.


AWell, may I leave a message?


BYes, of course.


英语日常用语2000句 关于电话英语日常用语

AWould you please ask him to call Chris when he gets back?


BOk. Does he know your number?


AI'm afraid he doesn't. My mobile is 139- 2477-4026.

恐怕他不知道。我的手机是 139-2477-4026.

B13924774026. All right. Thanks for calling. Oh, hang on, someone's at the door that may be him, please hold on.

13924774026?好的。谢谢你打电话来。 噢,等一下,有人在敲门,可能是他回来了。请别挂电话!


N: hello?

L: good morning, Nathaniel. This is Leah calling from the International Student Office.

N: good morning.

L: the reason I'm calling is because Ms. Collins will not be able to call you back until next week.

N: oh. I had hoped she would have called me back yesterday.

L: she's terribly sorry about that. She had to leave the office suddenly and won't be able to returen until next week. She hopes you understand.

N: is there someone else I can talk to?

L: she asked me to call you to book an appointment with someone else today. When are you free today?

N: any time after 2 pm today would be good for me.

L: Mr. Liu is available at 2:15 today. Will that work for you?

N: I'd prefer to speak with Ms. Fonda.

L: I'm afraid she isn't available this afternoon. She has an opening at 11:30 this morning. Will that work for you?

N: that will be fine.

L: ok, we'll be expecting you at 11:30. See you then.


AHello. This is the Stewart Resident.


BHello. Is Mr. Stewart there?


AThis is Mr. Stewart. Who’s this?


BI’m calling from Bell Canada. We are currently offering a great deal on long distance calling, only $17 a month. With this plan you get 500 minutes of long distance calls each month without any additional charges.


AI’m sorry. I’m not interested in it.


BOkay. Thanks.



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