六年级上册英语句子表 六年级上册英语句子



1.---What grade are you in ? ---I’m in the sixth / first / second grade.

2.---Why were you late yesterday?---Because my watch stopped.

3.We’re in the same grade. 4.Here comes the bus.

5.Let’s get on the bus. 6.I’m not late today.

7.---Where did you live in Canada? 8.I lived in Ottawa.

9.Isn’t Ottawa in the west / east?------No,it’s in the east.

10. ---What’s your favorite subject?

11.I’m not good at calculating.

12.Which do you like better, the purple one or the gray one?

13.I like the gray one better.7.This shirt is too small for me.

14.---Do you have a bigger one?---Sure! This is the biggest one.

15.That shirt looks good on you.16.Let’s go into the shop.

16. Can I try this shirt on ? -----Of course.


---Go down this street and turn right / left. It’ll be on your left / right.

18.You should be more careful.19.We can cross the street.

10.---How tall are you?---I’m 150cm tall.

11.I’m taller than you are. 12.I’m the tallest.

11.I want to ride the roller coaster.---I’m tall enough.

12. ---Shall we go to the safari park? ---Yes, I’m interested in jungle life

13.I want to take pictures of them. 14.Can I borrow your camera?

15.---I can’t find my brother.---We’ve got to call the police.

16.Please take all your coins out. 17.I’m afraid of tigers.

18.Qiaoqiao is missing. 19.Let’s ask her for help.

19.---What does he / your son look like? --- He has small brown eyes.

20.What’s he wearing? -----He’s wearing a green shirt and glasses.

22.---Is he / Qiaoqiao as tall as you?---No, he’s shorter than I am.

23.A boy is coming out of the restroom. 24.Oh,that’s my son!

25.When did you lose your son? 26.About half an hour ago.




1.A: What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?

B: My name’s Chen Jie. 我叫陈洁。

2. A:What colour is it ? 它是什么颜色的?

B: It’s black and white. 黑白相间的。

3.A: What’s in the schoolbag? 书包里有什么?

B: Look ! 20 story-books, 32 pencils, 8 rulers and 3 pencil-cases.


4. A: Dad, I’m hungry. What’s for dinner? 爸爸,我饿了。晚饭吃什么? B: Wait and see. 等着瞧。

A: What would you like for dinner? 你晚饭想吃什么?

B: I’d like some rice and soup . 我想吃些米饭和汤。

5.A: What’s your mother? 你妈妈是干什么的?

B: She’s a teacher. 她是教师。

6.A: What time is it? 几点了?

B: It’s nine o’clock.. It’s time for English class.


7.A:What’s the weather like in Beijing? 北京的天气怎样?

B: It’s rainy today. 今天是雨天。

8. A: What’s the matter,Amy? 艾米,怎么了?

B: It’s windy now.I have to close the window.现在刮风。我必须关窗。

9.A: What size are your shoes? 你穿几码的鞋?

B: Size 37. 37码

10.A: What do you see in the picture? 图片里你看到什么?

B: I see five cats, eight rabbits and two pigs. 我看到5只猫,8只兔子和2只猪。

11.A: What’s he like ? 他长什么样?

B: He’s short and thin . 他又矮又瘦.

12. A: What day is it today ? 今天是星期几?

B: It’s Monday . 星期一

13. A: What do you have on Mondays ? 你星期一上些什么课? B: We have Enlish and science . 我们上英语和科学课

14. A: What do you do on Saturdays ? 你星期六在干什么?

B: I often do my homework . 我经常做作业

15. A: What would you like for lunch ? 午饭你想吃点什么?

B: I ‘d like some tomatoes and mutton . 我想吃点西红柿和羊肉

16. A: What do you have for lunch ? 你午饭吃什么?

B: I have tomatoes and fish . 我吃西红柿和鱼

17. A: What can you do ? 你能干什么?

B: I can sweep the floor . 我能扫地。

18.A: What’s your bedroom like ? 你的房间是什么样子的?

B: There is a big closet , a new air-conditioner . 有个大衣柜, 一个新空调。

C: There are two end tables and yellow curtains .


19. A: What do you do? 你是干什么的?

B: I am a policeman. 我是一名警察。

20. A: What do you do on the weekend? 周末你干什么?

B: I often go hiking.Sometimes I play football. Usually I clean my room,too. 我经常去远足。有时我踢足球。通常我也打扫我的房间。

21. A: What’s your favourite season,Chen Jie?

六年级上册英语句子表 六年级上册英语句子


B: Winter. 冬天。

22.A: What’s the date? 几月几号?

B: It’s October 1st. 十月一号。

23. A: What are you doing? 你在干什么?

B: I am doing the dishes. 我正在洗盘子。

24. A: What is your father doing ? 你的父亲在干什么?

B: He’s writing an e-mail. 他在写电子邮件。

25. A: What are the elephants doing ? 大象们在干什么?

B: They’re drinking. 他们在饮水。



1. A: Where are you from? 你来自于哪里?

B: I’m from America. 我来自于美国。

2. A: Where is my car ? 我的小汽车在哪里?

B: It’s under the chair.在椅子底下。

3.A: Where’s my seat? 我的座位在哪?

B: It’s near the door. 在门附近。

4. A: Where is the teachers’ office ?办公室在哪?

B: It’s on the first floor. 在一楼。

5. A: Where are they ? 他们在哪儿?

B: They are in the woods. 他们在树林里。

6.A: Where is your home? 你的家在哪儿?

B: My home is near the post office . 我的家在邮局附近。

7. A: Where is the cinema,please? 请问,电影院在哪儿?

B: It’s next to the hospital. 在医院隔壁。

8. A: Where is the post office? 邮局在哪儿?

B: It’s east of the cinema. Turn left at the cinema , then go straight. It’s on the left.


9. Where are you going this afternoon? 今天下午你要去哪里? I’m going to the bookstore. 我要去书店。

10. A:Where did you go on your holiday? 你假期去了哪? B:I went to Xinjiang. 我去了新疆.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/253761/364302317.html


六年级上册教学计划 人教版六年级上册英语教学计划


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