
there has been controversy over the treatment of ashley x, a nine-year-old who has been given treatment which means she will never become an adult.ashley, pictured here in 1998, has a severe brain impediment known as static encephalopathy. all pictures are taken from her parents' website.


her condition means that she cannot walk, talk, keep her head up in bed or swallow food.her treatment saw the removal of her uterus, appendix and still-forming breasts, while she was given oestrogen to stunt her growth.


her parents have said that the treatment to keep her small is not for convenience, saying she will have a better quality of life as she will be taken to more places.she will also be less prone to certain diseases.


the case came to public attention in october when her doctors, daniel gunther and douglas diekema, wrote about it in a journal.they said the treatment "would remove one of the major obstacles to family care and might extend the time that parents with the ability, resources and inclination to care for their child at home might be able to do so."



the revelations provoked a storm of criticism.jeffrey brosco of the university of miami wrote: "if we as a society want to revise the nature of the harrowing predicament that these parents face, then more funds for home-based services, not more medication, is what is called for."


ashley's parents responded in an online blog.they wrote: "only parents with special-needs children are in a position to fully relate to this topic. unless you are living the experience, you are speculating and you have no clue what it is like to be the bedridden child or their caregivers."


ashley enjoying christmas with her family.responding to criticism that they had interfered with nature, ashley's parents wrote: "medicine is all about interfering with nature. why not let cancer grow and nature takes its course. why give antibiotics for infections?"



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/253661/793209335.html


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