Li Lei is calling Han Meimei.
H: Hello, who’s calling?
L: Hi, Han, this is Li Lei.
H: Hi, Li Lei, haven’t heard from you these days. How is everything going?
L: Oh, tiring but fulfilling.
H: What were you busy with? Mid-term exams?
L: Exams are easy to deal with. We’re old hands at exams.
H: Haha! That’s true. Then what makes you sound so exhausted?
L: I had a lot of reading task, and prepared for my debate with my history teacher.
H: Come to think of It. John told me that you guys have to challenge and debate with your teachers. No, he referred to graduate students.
H:我想起来了,约翰告诉过我你们要挑战老师,和他们进行辩论。不对,他指的是 研究生啊。
L: Come on, Han, we suffer as much as, if not more miseries than them.
H: So you,re calling to pour out your complaints before me?
L: Not exactly. I said it's painful but meaningful.
H: Li, until now you haven’t told me what exactly happened.
L: Let me ask you: why did the United States get involved in World War I?
H: Well...It’s complicated. Because American ships were sunk by German U-boats and wanted revenge?
H:这个……很复杂,因为美国的船被德国的潜水艇 弄沉了,想要报复?
L: That may be the direct cause. In class, I was sitting there and waiting for answers from my teacher.
L:那可能是诱因。在课堂上,我就坐着,等老师绾 我答案。
H: That’s what we did in China. We like to know the exact answers so that we can do well in our exams. I guess it won’t work here.
H:那是我们在国内干的事,我们喜欢知道准确答案,这样我们就可以在考试中取得 好成绩了。我想在这儿是行不通的。
L: I know. But I thought that history should be different because it’s about facts. There should be answers. Yet my teacher told us to find out the causes ourselves and discussed with him in the next class.
L:我知道,但我想历史都是事实,应该不一样,应该有答案。但老师让我们自己找 出原因,然后下一节课和他讨论。
H: Then?
L: Well, I found some reasons that I believed were the right answers. I thought my
classmates,answers must be almost the same as mine.
L:我找了一些我认为是正确答案的原因,我以为其他同学的答案和我的应该差不多 —样。
H: Weren’t they?
L: No, everyone only insisted on one or two causes which they believed to be the
fundamental causes. Some argued from economic perspectives, some political, and others military.
L:不是,每个人都只坚持一两个他们认为是最重要的原因。一些人从经济角度争辩, 一些人从政治角度,还有的从军事角度。
A:Do you know who that tall man is?
B:I don't know.But he must be a big shot.
B:Because everyone is trying to butter him up.
Joel: So, Mitchell, I only surfed for about a year and I never got very good at it. I wonder if you could explain how a beginner goes about learning how to surf.
Mitchell: Well, that's a tough question because I was surfing ever since I was small so it came natural to me, surfing, but since I know I surf. The beginning is put your board in the sand, lay on your board on the sand, pretend that you are paddling and then push yourself up like a push-up and then stand. You repeat that over-and-over again and eventually you enter the water and you get a friend to hold the board for you and then you stand up in the water while your friend pushed the board to gain balance.
Joel: The part I had the hardest time with was when there were big waves, it was so hard to get out far enough so that you could actually catch a wave. What do you call it, "duck diving"?
Mitchell: Duck diving, yeah, it's key to surfing. If you see a wave, the thing is that you have to see the wave before it comes. That's the secret, like where's it crashing and when it's crashing. We call it "crashing" when it's coming down. Duck diving, you put your knees on the board if it's a big wave...
Joel: Oh, you get on your knees.
Mitchell: You get on your hands and knees and you push the nose of the board down.
Joel: OK, push the front part down.
Mitchell: Yeah, and at the same time, after you push it down, you also kick your hips, and push with your hips, like how you dive in water, like a dolphin.
Joel: OK, and then when the wave crashes over you, do you lay down on the board.
Mitchell: You get back up. You pull your nose back up.
Joel: OK, you pull the front and back, back up, and that helps you to back under the wave. And what about when you're...

Mitchell: But the key is, you don't want to duck dive when the wave is crashing on you because you are already screwed.
Joel: OK, you have to duck before the wave.
Mitchell: Before the wave or when it's crashing on you, like we call it white water. A lot of times you duck dive in white water. White water is when the wave crashes. The water looks like it's all white like white cotton candy, so you duck dive underneath that.
Joel: And when you're catching a wave, how do you know when to stand up?
Mitchell: Like when the wave, when you see the wave coming you start paddling to get with the wave and before the wave even starts curling, you're already getting ready to stand up. It the wave is already curling, and your standing up, it's too late.
Joel: It's too late. OK. So you have to stand up...
Mitchell: Before it starts curling.
Joel: I see. I see.
Mitchell: And going the direction where it's crashing.
Joel: Well, I'm going to have to go surfing with you sometime so I can have a private lesson.