高中英语作文写作技巧 高中英语范文写作



it was 7:15 am. feb. 8th, 2000, and i was on my way to school. when i got near the park, i saw a car from the no. 3 street. it turned right and drove onto the park road. at that time, an old man happened to cross the road and he was knocked down by the car. the driver didn’t stop but ran to the west as fast as a flash. i can still remember that the plate number was ac864. the color of the car was yellow and the driver was a woman.

li hua


it was 7:15 on the morning of february 8, 2000. i was walking toward east along park road. an old man walked out of the city park on the other side of the road. he was crossing the street when a yellow car drove up third street made a right turn into park road. suddenly the car hit the old man down, and drove off at great speed heading west. i took him to the nearest hospital and doctors told me he was badly injured. it came to my mind that the driver was a young woman and her plate number was ac864.

li hua


when i was going along the park road towards east at 7:15 a.m. on february 8, 2000, i saw an old man was knocked down by a yellow car. it happened like this, the old man went out of the city park’s gate while a car turned right from the third street, and when it went into the park road, it hit the man while he was crossing the road. without stopping, the car continued to go to the west along the park road. i remember that the car is yellow, and the plate number is ac864. it’s a woman who drove the car.

li hua


when i was going along the park road towards east t 7:15 a.m. on february 8, 2000, i found an old man who came out of the city park was walking on the other side of the street. he was going to cross the road when there came a yellow car from third street and it turned right all of a sudden. at that moment the car hit the old man but did not stop. the driver was a young woman and the plate number was ac864. after a while i took the injured man to the nearest hospital.

li hua


it was 7:15 on the morning of february 8, 2000. i was walking east along the park road. when i passed the park gate, i saw an old man walk out of the park on the other side of the road. at that moment, a car was running up from the third street and turning right, onto the park road. i was too shocked to shout. but it was too late. the old man was knocked over, and the car didn’t stop. it was driven west along the park road. i noticed that the car was yellow, the plate number was ac864 and the driver was female. i called a taxi to send the old man to hospital.


it was 7:15 on the morning of february 8, 2000. i was walking along park road towards east when an elder man came out of the city park in the other side of the street. i saw a yellow car drove up third street at great speed and make a right turn into park road, and the car hit the man while he was crossing the road. the man fell down and shouted but the car didn’t stop and drove off at great speed heading west. i noticed the driver was a young woman and the plate number of the car was ac864. after a moment i took the old man to the hospital by taxi.

li hua


at 7:15 a.m. on february 8, 2000, i was walking eastward along park road. on the other side of the road, an old man was walking in the same direction. at the t-junction, a car turning fight from 3rd street into park road, suddenly knocked him down. the car did not stop. instead, it ran fast away westward along park road. it was a yellow car and the plate number was ac864. i remembered clearly that the driver was a young woman with long hair. i asked a man and took the old man to the hospital.

li hua

高中英语作文写作技巧 高中英语范文写作



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