简单商务英语对话 简单的商务英语对话精选



格林: Well, we've settled the question of price, quality and quantity. Now what about the terms of payment?


雷: We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents.


格林: I see. Could you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P?


雷: I'm afraid not. We insist on a letter of credit.


格林: To tell you the truth, a letter of credit would increase the cost of my import. When I open a letter of credit with a bank, I have to pay a deposit. That'll tie up my money and increase my cost.


雷: Consult your bank and see if they will reduce the required deposit to a minimum.

简单商务英语对话 简单的商务英语对话精选



布莱克: Well, Mr. White, we've settled everything in connection with this transaction except the question of payment in yen. Now can you explain to me how to make payment in yen?


怀特: Many of our business friends in England, France, Switzerland, Italy and Germany are paying for our exports in Japan currency. It is quite easy to do so.


布莱克: I know some of them are doing that. But this is new to me. I've never made payment in yen before. It is convenient to make payment in pound sterling, but I may have some difficulty in making payment in yen.


怀特: Many banks in Europe now carry accounts in yen. They are in a position to open letters of credit and effect payment in yen. Consult your banks and you'll see that they are ready to offer you this service.


布莱克: Do you mean to say that I can open a letter of credit in yen with a bank in London or Bonn?


怀特: Sure you can. Several of the banks in London, such as the National Westminster Bank and Barclays Bank are in a position to open letters of credit in yen. They'll do so against our sales confirmation or contract.


布莱克: I see.



罗伯茨: What`s on the cards for tomorrow`s general meeting?


迈克尔: I think one of our sales representatives is going to give us a run-down on our most recent sales figures.


罗伯茨: Is everyone going to be there for it?


迈克尔: As far as I know everyone will be there.


罗伯茨: I hope so, this will be important for company`s near-term future.


迈克尔: Maybe we should double check to make sure everyone is aware of the importance of this meeting.


罗伯茨: Leave that to my secretary. I`ll get her onto it.


迈克尔: Will I need to organize someone from the marketing department to give us their viewpoint on the sales results?


罗伯茨: Yes, actually that`s quite a good idea considering that it was their marketing campaign that ultimately resulted in the products success or failure.

好的.实际上这是个相当好的主意.因为是他们的营销活动最终决定 了产品是成功还是失败.

迈克尔: Ok, I`ll organize that for tomorrow`s meeting then. I hope they will be able to prepare something on such short notice.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/252461/70616358.html


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