高中英语美文摘抄 高中英语美文摘抄3篇



To come home to you...

People always say things like,

"Do you ever feel like getting away

from it all?" Away from the worries of

the rush-about days that always

seem to be?

I know that I do...

I need something in my life

that is solid and secure

and someplace that I can escape to —

where I can close out any worries

and open up to more peaceful things.

Noteget away 逃跑,逃离 secure adj. 安全的,可靠的,放心的

I'm luckier than a lot of people, I guess —

for I have found someplace I can go

where my heart is always happy to be

and where I have someone I can turn to,

someone who is an essential

part of me.

Noteessential adj. 本质的,基本的

And the best part of all

is that all I have to do...

is just come home to you.


I know you care.

I can see it

高中英语美文摘抄 高中英语美文摘抄3篇

in your eyes.

I know you love me;

you so often tell me.

You must know that

it's hard to express

all the tender emotion

I feel in my heart for you.

It's there.

Every day,

every night,

every second of the hour,

every day of the year.

And in the years to come,

I pray that

we will always mean

this much

to each other.


Finding your first job can be both a rewarding and frustrating experience.

Many jobs require experience ?but how do you get experience when you are still looking for your first job? You may already have some work experience through volunteer work.

Assess your skills and interests to determine what kind of skills you’ve had. Even unpaid work experience is beneficial in your job search.

Also, consider internships and part-time work. Not only is it a great way to get experience which you can put on your resume or on a job application, it is also a great way to try out a career to see if it is really what you want to do.

Here’s some tips you may want to follow in your job search:

Involve friends and family. A support group, such as friends and family, will offer encouragement and assistance in your job search.

Allow a reasonable amount of time. Don’t expect to find a job within a few days or weeks.

Devote time to your job search. A thorough job search is hard work. Expect to spend several hours a day looking for a job.

Be organized. Keep a record of all the places you have applied, who you talked to, and what response you received.

Meet with people in the field you are interested in pursuing.

Check job listings in the newspaper classified advertising sections or with your local employment office. Your local employment office also may be able to offer some job search assistance.












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