冷笑话故事 关于英语冷笑话故事阅读


关于英语冷笑话故事:Silent fart

A man walks into the doctor's office with a serious problem.

"Doctor, I've had problems with silent gas emissions. At home, work, and even at church, I release tons of silent farts everywhere I go! As a matter of fact I've had three sitting here talking to you. What are we going to do?"

The doctor replies:

"The first thing we're going to do is check your hearing."

关于英语冷笑话故事:Pretty ugly

Mary: John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly. What do you think, Peter?

Peter: I think you're pretty ugly.

关于英语冷笑话故事:Is it a boy or a girl

A: Just look at that young person with the short hair and blue jeans. Is it a boy or a girl?

B: It's a girl. She's my daughter.

A: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know that you were her father.

B: I'm not. I'm her mother.

关于英语冷笑话故事:The purpose of the propeller

A: "What's the purpose of the propeller?"

B: "To keep the pilot cool. If you don't think so, just stop it and watch him sweat!"

关于英语冷笑话故事:Why should I give you money

A very rich lawyer is approached by the United Way. The man from the United Way is concerned that the lawyer made over $1,000,000.00 last year but didn't donate even a cent to a charity.

"First of all", says the lawyer, "my mother is sick and dying in the hospital, and it's not covered by healthcare. Second, I had five kids through three divorced marriages. Third, my sister's husband suddenly died and she has no one to support her four children..."

"I'm terribly sorry", says the United Way man, "I feel bad about asking for money."

冷笑话故事 关于英语冷笑话故事阅读

The Lawyer responds, "Yeah, well if I'm not giving them any money, why should I give you any?"


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/252361/378062767.html


一句话的短冷笑话 一句话的经典冷笑话

  1.某女神发了一条微博:“男生最重要的三个字从来不是高帅富,是上进心!”  接着她把所有转这条微博的男性好友都删了。  2.我想我应该去减肥了,上次献血的时候,居然流出了一百毫升的猪油。  3. 除了一项,其余栏目填得都挺好

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当人们觉得尴尬时可以用一句玩笑话就支吾过去。本文是有关于英语版笑话,希望对大家有帮助!有关于英语版笑话:Old photo albumA mother and her daughter where looking through an old photo album, when the mother pointed out a

英语笑话大全 爆笑 关于英语小笑话简单爆笑

冷笑话作为言语幽默的一种,其研究虽不像幽默研究有着悠久历史,但却吸引了来自修辞学和语言学等领域学者们的注意。下面是小编带来的关于英语小笑话简单爆笑,欢迎阅读!关于英语小笑话简单爆笑精选我是司机A short young man was r

冷笑话精选 关于英语冷笑话故事精选

英语笑话是幽默的语言表达,它是一种常见的幽默传达方式。小编精心收集了关于英语冷笑话故事,供大家欣赏学习!关于英语冷笑话故事:My Boss and IWhen I take a long time, I am slow.When my boss takes a long time, he is thoroug

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