英语餐厅简单情景对话 餐厅情景英语对话



(R = Receptionist, W = Mr White)

英语餐厅简单情景对话 餐厅情景英语对话

R: Good afternoon. Can I help you, sir?

W: I'd like to have a room in your hotel.

R: Have you made a reservation with us, sir?

W: I reserved a French-style suite two weeks ago. My name is White.

R: Just a moment, please, Mr White. I'll check the arrival list.

(The receptionist checks the list.)

Yes, Mr White. We do have your reservation for a French-style suite. And would you mind filling in the registration form?

W: I'll take care of it.

(Filling out the form)

Here you are. Is it all right?

R: Yes, thanks. Would you please show me your passports?)

Thank you. …… Here's your passport, Mr White. May I reconfirm your departure date?

W: Yes, I should be leaving on the 5th.

R: How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card?

W: Could I pay with traveler's checks?

R: Certainly. Here's the key to Room 908 and your room card.

Please keep them. And the bellman will show you up. Have a nice evening, Mr White. And enjoy your stay.

W: Thank you.

R: My pleasure.


(R = Receptionist, W = Mr White)

R: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

W: Yes, please. I've just arrived from Macao. I want a room at a reasonable price.

R: Have you made a reservation, sir?

W: I'm afraid not.

R: How many people do you have, please?

W: Just one. I'm alone.

R: Just a moment, please. Let me see if there's a room available. Yes, there is one on the second floor.

W: How much do you charge for it?

R: 500 yuan per night.

W: I'll take it.

R: Thank you, sir. Will you please fill in the registration form?

W: OK. Surname, first name, nationality, permanent address, place and date of birth, and signature. Is that all right?

C: Yes. Let me have a check. (The receptionist checks the passport with the form.) Thank you.

W: Do you give discount for a week or more?

C: Yes, we give 5% discount for one week, 10% for two weeks and over.

W: Then, I want to stay here for one week.

C: You mean you will stay till the 20th?

W: That's right.

C: How would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card?

W: By credit card.

C: Here is the key to Room 212 and your room card.

W: Thank you.


(W = Mr White, R = Receptionist)

R: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?

W: My name is White. I'm in Room 1008.I would like to know if it is possible to change my room. I'm not all happy with the one I've got. I couldn't even sleep last night. I was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made. It was too much for me.

R: Oh, dear. I'm so sorry to hear that, Mr White. I do apologize. Room 1008 is at the end of the corridor. It's possible that the noise is heard early in the morning when all is quiet.

W: Anyhow, I'd like to change my room.

R: Now let me see if I can find you a quiet room. Well, how about Room 1112? It's rather quiet. The room rate is the same as that of Room 1008. But it is one floor higher up. Do you mind moving one floor up, Mr White?

W: No, not at all.

R: Very good. Would you please sign in this room changing form? …… Here's the key to Room 1112. The bellman will help you with your baggage. Please return him the key to Room 1008.

W: Thank you very much. I hope I'll have a sound sleep this evening.

R: Be sure, Mr White. If there is anything more you need, please let us know.


(R = Receptionist, W = Mr White)

R: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?

W: I tried to open the door, but the room key didn't work.

R: I'm sorry to hear that. May I know your name and room number?

W: White, in Room 906.

R: Would you please give me the invalid key card?

W: Here you are.

R: Please wait a minute, Mr White. I'll have to check the computer record. Well, today is 27th. You planned to check out today. The room key is valid by 12:00 o'clock of your expected departure date.

W: Oh. I forget to tell you that I have to stay here for three more nights on some new errands here.

R: So you'd like to extend your stay here for another three days. Let me check your account. You've got 50 yuan on your account. As a hotel policy, you are requested to pay a deposit of 1,200 yuan. If you want to pay by credit card, we'll only have to print your card.

W: I pay in cash. Here you are.

R: Thank you. Here is the receipt and the key.

W: Thank you.

R: I hope you are enjoying your stay with us here.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/251861/235597641.html


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